SERENA! Now I am a bit peeved! Not because you binged, but because you think that any of us would unsubscribe from this thread because you're not being a 'good mentor'! Miss, that's rubbish
You place way too much pressure on yourself. Yes, you've got to goal and you look fantastic but that doesn't mean you have to be perfect and superhuman all of the time because that's impossible! We ALL struggle, there is no shame in that.
As I said via text it's not being cowardly not to WI tomorrow- it's a very sensible decision. You know that the result might not be what you want, and that it could send you further into a binge. This week might not have been a good one, but there are plenty more weeks to have good ones! That doesn't even make sense haha. What I mean is don't think you always have to be perfect to set a good example to us or whatever, take the rough with the smooth. You're having a tough time right now, and allow yourself a bit of comfort. If food helps you to feel better then try and relax on pointing and eat enough to keep you satisfied. I'm not encouraging you to binge, because I know how horrible it is, but you definitely need some self-soothing right now and if a bar of chocolate is going to help you feel better then have a bar of chocolate! But try to explore ways of feeling better that are not food related too, to get a healthy balance.
But this isnt the end of the world, even if it feels like it. This will pass, you will feel better soon, trust me
1 hour at a time, 1 day at a time, 1 week at a time.