If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

That's definitely not much fun! At least you didn't use up weeklies on it though :) x
That's definitely not much fun! At least you didn't use up weeklies on it though :) x

I know! I can choose from my Iceland Haul for those little beauties ;-) x
I, Serena, can officially declare that I am in love with Iceland and am not afraid to say it!

Just been and got my Monthly Shop, all of this for £17.99...

View attachment 142523

BUT I had a £3 Coupon so it only cost me £14.99!

So pleased with myself and know we will eat well for ages now! Yey me! X

What are the cheese and onion things at the top and how many points please? x
Great stuff there, Iceland is full of cheap but tasty stuff.

I like a Mediterranean veg pack they do. It's courgette, mushrooms, onions, peppers. Totally cheating. But great to have in the freezer for when there is no veg left. I tend to throw it in salad and pasta type work lunches. Or with some rice.

I also used to like the carrot and swede frozen mash. Also cheating. But you just throw a few pre mashed cubes in the microwave and it was so tasty. I think that one was free aswell as there was no extra ingredients. Not been in a while though...it's 2mins up the road from my work but my work doesn't have a freezer. I'd have to finish early ;)

You eating any of that for tea tonight?
I, Serena, can officially declare that I am in love with Iceland and am not afraid to say it! Just been and got my Monthly Shop, all of this for £17.99... <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=142523"/> BUT I had a £3 Coupon so it only cost me £14.99! So pleased with myself and know we will eat well for ages now! Yey me! X

How many days or meals will all that lot do you? I looked for the veg and rice the other day and couldn't find it :( bought the Mediterranean veg though as it's low in pp and a bag of chicken fajita. Tom doesn't like fajitas so it's not worth making them for one so the bag of it is perfect for me. Also, where so you find Iceland coupons? I love a coupon x
A fantastic shopping spree!!

Impressive isn't it! X

What are the cheese and onion things at the top and how many points please? x

The best way to describe them is like a cheese and onion pasty but with breadcrumbs instead of pastry?!? Super Yummy! 4pp Each. X

Great stuff there, Iceland is full of cheap but tasty stuff. I like a Mediterranean veg pack they do. It's courgette, mushrooms, onions, peppers. Totally cheating. But great to have in the freezer for when there is no veg left. I tend to throw it in salad and pasta type work lunches. Or with some rice. I also used to like the carrot and swede frozen mash. Also cheating. But you just throw a few pre mashed cubes in the microwave and it was so tasty. I think that one was free aswell as there was no extra ingredients. Not been in a while though...it's 2mins up the road from my work but my work doesn't have a freezer. I'd have to finish early ;) You eating any of that for tea tonight?

I saw the Med Veg pack today but couldn't get it as I'd planned my freezer space and knew there wouldn't be room lol! They don't do the Carrot & Swede Mash anymore, only regular mash. Didn't use any for dinner tonight, but will do the rest of the week! X

How many days or meals will all that lot do you? I looked for the veg and rice the other day and couldn't find it :( bought the Mediterranean veg though as it's low in pp and a bag of chicken fajita. Tom doesn't like fajitas so it's not worth making them for one so the bag of it is perfect for me. Also, where so you find Iceland coupons? I love a coupon x

The Coupon got posted to me as I have a Bonus Card.

The Chips will do 6 x 2 Dinners for £1
The Roast Potatoes/Alphabets/Croquettes will do 4 x 2 Dinners for £1 each
The Rice will do 4 x 2 Dinners for £1.50
Burgers/Crispbakes/Crispy Pancakes will do 2 x 2 Dinners for £1 each
12 Breakfasts with the Yogurt Drinks for £2

Etc Etc!

The Rice is near the Mixed Veg, how annoying they didn't have it as it's so low in pp! X
Good Evening Subscribing Sweeties :)

Week 3 Day 4 is drawing to a close so I'm here to update!

Breakfast-WW Greek Style Lemon Yogurt (2pp) & Coco Pops Bar (2pp) & 1 Peeled Pear (0pp) & Askeys Wafers (0pp) & 1 Peeled Apple (0pp)

Lunch-'Roast' at my Favourite Cafe but it had gone majorly downhill :-( No Roasties :-( No Yorkshire Pud :-(


I counted it cautiously as 9pp, 6pp for 3 Scoops of Mash, 2pp for Peas, 1pp for Fried Mushrooms, 0pp for Cabbage/Carrots.

Dinner-3 Vegetable Fingers (4pp)

Tonight I'm going to have 1 Slice of 5050 Bread (2pp) with 20g of Raspberry Preserve (1pp). Followed by a Strawberry Trifle (4pp) and a Snowball (2pp).

So today has been a bit up and down!

The 'up' bit was

-Iceland Shop, for those of you who missed it...


I got all that for £14.99!

-Cath Kidston Phone Cover in the Charity Shop for only 50p, yes 50p!


-Topshop Jeggings in the Charity Shop for only £1!

The 'down' bit was that Poppy took her Year 1 exam today :-( She's been doing so well at school but she just doesn't think she did that well today :-( She was all emotional and tearful, bless her :-( All I could say to her was that I was proud of her and as long as she tried her best, that's all that matters.

Hope everyone has had a fab Monday!

Lots of Love Serena X
Oooh might have to go Iceland and get some of those cheesey things! x
They are really tasty! The Crispbakes, Veggie Burgers and Bean Burgers (Not pictured) are all 4pp Each and come in 4 Boxes for £1 x

i also got the bonus card and used my £3 off :D

Yey for the Bonus Card! Love it! X
Oh bless poppy, poor little love xx
Oh bless poppy, poor little love xx

It was awful seeing her like it :-( I just had to give her lots of cuddles and tell her that everything would be ok :-( x
It was awful seeing her like it :-( I just had to give her lots of cuddles and tell her that everything would be ok :-( x

They put so much pressure on them with various tests it's just not fair on them at such a young age xx
They put so much pressure on them with various tests it's just not fair on them at such a young age xx

Some of the kids in her class aren't even 6 yet! She's in Top Set and struggled so much still :-( x