If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

The head teacher must be very worried, hope your better soon xx

Yeah, she just said they can put anything in place to help with Poppy and I just need to concentrate on getting better. I've just woken up for my next pain killers
Oh you need to rest, have you got anyone to help with school runs etc- hope Poppy is doing ok too x

Poppy is doing amazing, she is such a trooper. Her dad and my dad are sharing the duties, I can't leave the house as very dizzy and keep being sick. I'm just up now as she's due to come back soon.
Hope you've rested today and are feeling better. xx

According to my Fitbit I've hardly been awake, waiting for Poppy to go off and then I can do the same.

That's good that you've got some help, hopefully your recover soon.
Luckily Poppy is so good for you x

I'm so proud of Poppy, she never lets me down. I hope to go back on Monday
Don't rush back until you're ready. It sounds as if everybody is being really supportive and I'm glad you're managing to get some rest. X

Thank You, just been asleep again, never slept so much in my life
I did WI as I wanted to keep a check on it, haven't been to the loo since Tuesday Morning because of the Painkillers but I lost 1 1/4lb

Bit of a drastic way but glad it didn't go up.
Well done - hope your feeling abit better today, dont rush going back to work make sure you feel ready X

I'm just so sleepy all the time, I feel quite dizzy and keep being sick too. Apparently it's all normal with a head bump tho x
It is normal but if it doesn't get better or you're feeling worse go back to the hospital.
Take care x

How long should the symptoms last? It happened Tuesday at 330 so nearly 3 days now? X
Well done on your loss. How are you feeling? xx

Pretty rough :( Got a friend to drive me to Aldi so I could get Poppy's Bits and it nearly killed me x
It can take a long time(a couple of weeks) to feel back to normal. You know you're own body so if you feel like it's getting worse go back to the dr's. X

I guess so, was hoping to go back on Monday but I will see X
Feeling awful this morning, last night was just horrendous :( Without sounding silly I was rolling around on the floor in pain, it was running right from my head down my body into my legs, like someone was attacking me. I was so scared, lucky I had a friend staying to look after me. I feel wiped out this morning.