If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

Is most of the packing done now, you've got so much stuff too. Whens your moving in date? x

We move in on Wednessay 19th Oct, it's literally the first day of the holidays so I'll be at work up until the day before!!!! I've got rid of sooooooo much stuff, how can two people really have so much stuff!!! X
Wow, moving day will soon be here.
If we ever move again I'm hiring packers as it was then it I hated the most. We still have 4 boxes left to unpack.
We moved from a smallish house to a big one and managed to fill it with all of our stuff. Crazy! X
Only 2 weeks away! at least you've had a bit clear out - its crazy how much stuff you've got although we no better x

I think everyone is the same, have a cupboard, fill a cupboard lol! I'm currently watching a couple of units on eBay, they are the ones I want and are listed in my town which is rare but I bet they go for loads of money. X
Wow, moving day will soon be here.
If we ever move again I'm hiring packers as it was then it I hated the most. We still have 4 boxes left to unpack.
We moved from a smallish house to a big one and managed to fill it with all of our stuff. Crazy! X

What's in those 4 boxes?!? When I move 5.5 years ago I found 1 solitary unopened box from 3 years before, I didn't even open it, straight to the tip! I love the idea of packers however I think they would cry at my house lol x
Found this old photo when clearing out:


Although I'm hating the actual clearing/packing, it's been so lovely looking at old photos and reading old letters and cards! X
What's in those 4 boxes?!? When I move 5.5 years ago I found 1 solitary unopened box from 3 years before, I didn't even open it, straight to the tip! I love the idea of packers however I think they would cry at my house lol x
It's stuff I want to keep but don't want on show. I really need to sort it and either throw it or put it in a cupboard.
It's stuff I want to keep but don't want on show. I really need to sort it and either throw it or put it in a cupboard.

I'm exactly the same!!!! I've whittled mine down to 2 boxes and they've gone up on the loft of the new house! X

Aww, what a cute photo. I love looking through old photos. X

It doesn't seem possible to think of Poppy being that small now. When I got her first outfit out the box it just looked so so tiny!!!! X
Aww lovely photo of Poppy it's such amazing and special time when their little babies- I been clearing out Evie's tiny stuff xx

Will you sell it? I kept a lot of Poppy's Baby Clothes when we moved last time but this time I've cleared out again and got rid of lots, just kept the really really special stuff x
That's good, I put some in boot sale and kept the nice things xx

In hindsight I really should of done a Bootfair but guess I'm getting rid of the stuff now!!! X
We just got so much stuff still get rid off so doing another on the weekend what we don't sell is going in the bin or to charity X

I didn't realise they still ran at this time of year? X
How's the packing going? :) xx

I'm Actually sick of the sight of my own stuff! 14 Sleeps till the move aaarrrggghhhhhh! X

Im not convinced it's worth hassle but need to get rid of the stuff that's either bagged on boxed!
Are back at work tomorrow x

I'm Back to work today, not feeling amazing as I had a very unsettled night but will see how I go. X