(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
I know I keep harping on about it, but Movicol changed my life. It's not a laxative that you can get dependant on and it's totally safe to take every day. It puts extra water into your bowel to help you go.
I spoke to my Dr about Movicol but he said as I've had Lepicol and Regucol it's really not worth trying :-( Apparently they are all much of a likeness. Thanks for the tip tho. X
Sounds like you have really been on the go today. The sun lounger sounds much needed to encourage a bit of rest and relaxation over the weekend
Hope things get "moving" soon and good luck for weigh in tomorrow x
Thanks Sweetie! I've got to go get Weighed, Run some errands and then I will road test the Sun Loungers ;-) x