If you fall off the wagon.....

Those men do tend to creep up on you when you least expect it!
what scrabble players?
Well ive never met anyone on the net really. I could take it or leave it from one week to the next until i found you lot! Met my Marky in Greenwich police station back yard. We both worked there at the time.
awww :D
i met my bloke at work!
and he is still a secret!
I have. he still wont tell his kids yet.
been a secret since we started seeing each other in Jan. he lives with his mum and brother now but wont tell his ex, his kids or anyone. he has told his mum and one other person at work.
I think it might be Linz ;)
haaaa! Is it because of potential issues ref children, do you think?

Greenwich police station back yard - interesting!!!

The unfortunate thing about meeting men on internet is that you don't necessarily have to tell the truth initially... I omitted to mention I weighed a tonne... and mine omitted to mention his age... and we were only playing Scrabble so who cared?!

Then we met... and the rest is history...!
19 years older than me... 65... but our "minds met"... neither of us would have looked at the other in normal situations of course, but we chatted, emailed and phoned each other for over a year before actually meeting and telling the truth!
Ahh thats sweet.My mums boyfriend is 18yrs younger than her am im against that for so many reasons. Worried for her safety being the biggest one!
Worried for her safety? Or that he'll hurt her as he's younger and could stray?
So Ditzee... you fell in love without having met him? (I know I did... sounds weird to anyone who's not been through it, I'm sure...)
haaaa! Is it because of potential issues ref children, do you think
yes it will be. one is 20 the other 15 .
Aww romantic Jo and Linz :D

cheryl has she still not seen sense?
Vicky - you/he could be surprised... I know I was. I expected my other half's daughter to have an issue with me, as he left "home" to come here to me - but no. She and I get on really well (she's not that much younger than me.)