I'll be slimming all over the world.....slowly!

Oh and wowwwww! No weighing for 5 weeks! Amazing, I couldn't do it!

PS 100th post in here :)
Thanks for the chicken pointer! I think we have almost agreed on Fish now I founds the syn value on here, god bless Google.

Yes, it's coconut with dark choc sprinkles and according to what I can find on here, it's free! I haven't tried the toffee yet but have got some in the fridge as I want to try mixing them with porridge oats as a breakfast. Snuck a curly wurly in my gob about an hour ago, they are a slimmers life saver. Just going through some bits in the cupboards to see what we have and what the syn values are. We have a big bag of frozen scallops in the freezer and I know they are free on EE too, I also love them so they will definitely be coming out next week!
Sooooooooooo, lots to say tonight!

Firstly, magic porridge has potential but the toffee muller was way too sickly for me BUT it did fill me up until well after lunch. Just made another batch for tomorrow with a vanilla yoghurt and remembered I have some frozen berries and mixed fruit that I will add as a topping in the morning, fingers crossed!

Didn't end up having fish last night as hubby decided he wasn't hungry :mad:. I sent him down the pub to give me some peace so after doing some research I plumped for a Tesco just heat chicken breast in BBQ sauce for 1.5 syns with half a pack of Tilda chili and lime rice and half a bag of stir fry veg, it was pretty darn good I must say! Satsuma for dessert.

Syns - 10.5 ish I think? I had an absolutely scraping of butter on my toast (2?), Curly Wurly (6), Chicken (1.5) and Rice (1)

On to today.........

Body Pump this morning followed by treadmill work, including 5 minutes of running in one minute bursts, says I burnt 150 cals.

B - magic porridge with a banana
L - Fruit Salad that I prepped yesterday followed by S&S mugshot which I'd made up and then chucked in the wok with some chicken and bacon and the other half of the stir fry veg from last night.
S - Curly Wurly, satsuma, small sprig of grapes
D - Roast Chicken breast with fry light roast pot, sweet pot and snip, lots of cauliflower, carrot, broccoli and leek. 1 Yorkshire pud

I also had half a snowball drink but I cannot find them listed anywhere for syn value or calories! They are tiny but it's lemonade and advocaat so can't be 'good'.

Syns - 11.5/15 Curly Wurly (6), Yorkshire (2.5?), Snowball Half (3?)

I have spent ages prepping for tomorrow! I think I've turned into the tupperware queen, I have a total of 5 boxes in the fridge for tomorrow. One is for my magic porridge, one has a peeled satsuma and a chopped up plum in it, one has a bigger fruit salad - grapes, melon and grapefruit and the other two are my leftovers from roast dinner which I am having for lunch. I am going to be the bag lady!

Am a bit worried about this conference and trying to think of things I can take with me to eat/snack on. Main meals are all provided so I am going to try and make good choices but it might be difficult depending on what they are offering! I need to look up what I chose for my evening meal as I cannot remember for the life of me. I should have gone clothes shopping this weekend really as I wanted a suit jacket, new shoes and some tights but I couldn't be bothered so I'll have to make a lunch time dash tomorrow.

Zumba tomorrow and I think dinner might be fish, chips and beans but need to get some superfree in there too!
Sounds like you are doing great!!
I would suggest you do weigh yorself weekly for the first couple of weeks though just to check the plan you are on is workin for you... Some people just never work out on EE and need to do Red days, would suck to find that out after 5 weeks.
To be honest,I find WI's really motivating- I get super careful about food the day before and such a boost when I've lost! Keeps me on track. But yeah, I weigh bi weekly which is a vit naughty :rolleyes:

Coconut mullers are divine! So hard to find though and so often a crappy offer :( I LOVE the Mint muller with chocolate sprinkles too, and the vanilla with sprinkles :D all free! But yeah, definitely limit your intake to no more than two a day or those calories add up. SW are a bit crazy to offer thigs like that and mugshots as free- mugshots are 250 cal instant pasta snacks and they are yummy but some people have them as a snack and they shoulf be part of a meal really I think!

For snacking out and about I really like Beef Jerky- you get them in 25g sachets which for the plain ones is 1.5 syns. It is chewy and a bit spicy so keepa your mouth entertained for ages, plus is fairly filling as it's meat! They last forever too and dont need to be refridgerated so stay in the handbag well! Also Alpen Light cereal bars (the chocolate ones are awful though, but apple and saltana ones are great!) you can have two as a hexB or have one and then one small wholemeal slice as a half an half etc.
Do make sure you measure and eat all of yor hex's! I had slow losses in my first two weeks as I sisnt bother with them- but the fibre and calcium are important for weight loss sooo do have them :D

I havw only ever found extra Lean beef in sainsburys, and never the small ones, just medium-large shops. They are in the 3 for £10 deal and they make wicked burgers and bolognase!
When's your conference thing Jody? Take lots of fruit and a couple of Alpen light bars as Tetris suggested, they're really good. I'm also a major fan of Tupperware boxes - actually run out of places to put them now! But I usually take at least 2 in to work with me :)

arggghhhh I love snowballs! I only tried them last year on Christmas Day and I'm so excited to have them this year! But I won't let myself until Christmas officially begins (December 1st!) as I reckon they're quite naughty and I could easily have about 15 in an evening if it were down to me haha.

I really, really need to go clothes shopping too but I just can't afford it so I'm holding out until the clothes fall off me. I need to start putting money aside I feel, I reckon I'm going to have quite a thing for shopping when I'm a skinny Minnie!
Sophie, I know what you mean about the Mugshots (I actually typed Mush1ts by accident to start with - lol!), I actually really like the sweet and sour one but I'd only have it with some chicken as a meal rather than as a snack. I actually went and bought some Alpen light bars about an hour before I saw your message, my heart sank when I read your post as I bought the double choc (After HATING) the fugde ones but they are actually quite nice! I also have the summer fruits ones too so I will take a couple with me to help over the next two days. Really good point about measuring/counting Hex's, I haven't been as I just have milk in tea but I should measure it because I could actually be diddling myself out of some allowance!

I found extra lean steak mince in Tesco, the 250g have been on offer for £2 so I bought a couple to try and it's not bad, it needs lots of pepper and worcester sauce to flavour it up but at least it's proper meat :clap:

Saruk - I leave first thing tomorrow! I've just been and picked up my dress and tried it on to find it's too flappy around the bust, to the point it could easily fall down :eek:, I've text a friend of mine who is coming and she has some safety pins so I will have to try and find a way of pinning it without putting obvious marks on it as I want my deposit back! Typically my hand luggage type suitcase is only just big enough too, good job it's only one night! I'm going to have my usual magic porridge here and take a fruit salad for the long journey up, if I get time I will pop in M&S to grab some chicken bites or similar. I looked at my menu choices and I ordered Terrine, Roast Beef and Choc pud so will have to just put operation 'damage limitation' in place. I've been under my daily syns since the weekend so hopefully that will help!

I worked my absolute butt off at Zumba last night too, glad tonight is rest night as I am pretty beat and want to get things organised for tomorrow! Hubby cooked for me and it was really fishy and good! I've started a food diary in the SW section to try and keep tabs of what I am eating too, I'm trying to get in the habit of taking pics at each meal, I think I've had less than 1 syn today, just mega busy and it staved off hunger pangs!
Sounds good! Are you looking forward to it? That can only mean good things if it's falling down! Did you feel a little bit proud? My boobs are totally shrinking, this makes me happy though! Yeah, in the run up to christmas it's all going to be about damage control. I have such a jam-packed schedule, including a 7 course dinner one evening and a party with a free bar the next weekend! Pretty sure they are not on the SW diet! Haha.

Well dome form working your butt off! Are you happy you joined the gym? Sounds like you're doing really well.
You sound nice and prepared! Hope it goes well :)

Cool that you found extra lean mince in tesco :O I can only get the lean turkey mince in there (which is good for burgers too! But def both need lots of seasoning! And if yoy go for the turkey look out for the lower fat one as it isnt the obvious- they look so similar!)

Nice NSV there on the dress being too big! :D a good sign you have lost lots of inches!
I will update more once I've finished this mornings running around and gym classes but despite a few days away and a bit of naughtiness, I'm 2lb down!

Now at 193, close to the first full stone :)

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2lbs off- congrats!!
Were you off plan because of your upset about the last WI? Is SW tricker to follow than your previous plan?
I hope this gives you a good boost :) I promise the plan gets easier after a few weeks to adjust. X
Well doneeeee! Are you happy? How was the conference? Did your dress stay up?!
Hey Soph, nooooo, the few days not on plan was because of being away at the conference and having chosen my meal absolutely AGES ago! I don't think I actually did too bad really, I left early Wednesday and had my usual magic porridge with fruit. I'd prepped a fruit salad the night before and packed an Alpen light too so that was fine. Even with lunch I was as on plan as I could be really, cous cous, veg, chicken breast and fruit. After that it went a bit.......um.....downhill :eek:. IN afternoon break I had a half waffle and a small pancake with fruit and then quite a few to drink - Amarettos and diet coke and a fruit cider! Dinner was pate with toast followed by roast beef but I made sure I cut all the fat off and ate my veggies first!

Thursday breakfast was naughty but again, I cut fat off the bacon and didn't butter the toast. Lunch was not bad again but there was a sweet buffet in the afternoon and I just might have participated. On the way home I grabbed some fruit and an Eat Natural bar from boots with water. Yesterday I was pretty much on plan but I didn't make the lunch so not sure on syns.

Anyway, today I am back on and raring to go, 7.5 syns for the day and lots of fruit eaten. I have bought a couple of slimming world mags for my tablet and actually really like them, some great recipes in there. Am realising planning will be key and I think I am going to end up cooking a lot more than I was! I was back in the gym this morning for a Pilates class and then I did another C25K work out and a weights session, realised during the C25k that I actually wasn't out of breathe and the only thing stopping me from running longer was my foot. I think I might try week 2 next time, I think it's really dawned on me how far my fitness has come on in the past 3 months.

Body Pump tomorrow morning and roast dinner afterwards! I'm doing lunch for myself and work mate on Monday and think I am going to have a go at a curry for us!
Oh yes, the dress! I think they actually just hadn't quite altered it enough unfortunately but my friend managed to safety pin it to my bra :D, there might be a picture floating around somewhere soon............
Hey- that's great!! Sounds like you did well considering (I could never have left half of a waffle!) but WI success just cements that! Fab :D
Yeah, SW defintely requires cooking- a lot of people swear by maling big batches and freezing portions so they can just defrost and eat after work etc! When I replace my broken freezer I'll be doing that!
There are just tonnes of recipes online too!! Every meal has some sort of SW alternative! Not all are tasty but plenty are ;)
Sounds like you did amazingly well given the circumstances mate! And I hope you enjoy your roast tonight ... Jeaaaalooouuuusssss.

Glad your dress was safety pinned nicely! Haha. Always a bonus I find!

Whats up with your foot? I'm sure you've probably said already but I have the memory of a goldfish ... You did forewarn me that all this swimming would turn me into a fish and I might be on my way already! I'm totally with you on the fitness front too, have you found that it's made a difference to how you feel the rest of the day etc? I'm really beginning to feel it!
I don't think even semi organised me will ever be so prepared as to batch cook! I do quite often make a little extra for dinner so I can take it in as lunch but we never seem to have room in the freezer and my biggest downfall is forgetting to get things out of the freezer to defrost and we don't own a microwave! I feel like I just haven't stopped cooking today, I did body pump and a 20 min blast on the treadmill this morning and then got home, showered, started dinner, ate dinner and then after an hour I started on this curry for tomorrow. I did split it into 3 portions so I have a spare lunch for Tuesday and hubby kindly helped me out as my curry knowledge is a little lax. I also had a few spare roast pots from dinner so I have those in a little tub as a snack tomorrow. Then I prepped my fruit salad and sat down to see it was 10pm :rolleyes:

I have subluxed cuboids, particular bad in my right foot. It basically means that a bone in my foot dislocates on heavy impact - not hugely but it's not pleasant, when I first started training I couldn't do any star jumps or anything, it's getting much better as my weight decreases but obviously running is fairly heavy impact so I need to be careful!
Ouch re: foot! Glad to hear it is improving with weight loss..
is there nothing else that can help? Am guessing you wear a support band already?

That does sound like a lot of cooking! Recently I've been cooking two meals at once as most of my dishes are packed with fried onions/peppers so I do a double portion of them and then split into two pans and add meat- it gets stressful though!
I know what you mean about defrosting- I didnt even know you could defrost with a microwave until my bf showed me! Used to just get stuff out the night before and shove it in the fridge but yeah, rarely as wasnt organised enough.

How's your week going? Sounds so productive with all the cooking and exercise! X
Apparently it's quite a hard injury to cater to, the podiatrist said he could probably make something to go in my shoe but as they are custom made it's pointless until I get some proper running shoes so I am just trying to be careful for now!

I ended up cooking again tonight (Steak with swede/sweet potato mash and sugarsnap peas) but hubby did cook last night and it was AWESOME! We had a bag of stir fry veg with 1/4 of a packet of Tesco sweet chili and ginger stirfry sauce with sliced chicken breast and then 1.5 pieces of smoked and peppered Mackerel. I have barely even had any syns lately as I would just be eating for the sake of it!

I went to group tonight, I figured that as I have 2 weeks free it would make sense to use them as I wanted to try these hi-fi rocky roads too! The consultant was very nice, took me through the books and answered some questions. She did say it's really quiet at the moment, people just come to weigh and then leave so it didn't have a very 'community' type feel but maybe that will change in the new year. Some of the recipe books look great though so sure I will pick some of those up.

I weighed in at 13stone 12, which considering I was clothed, with pumps on and had just drunk 2 cups of tea....was pretty good! Rather than adjust my current weight up 1 I think I will just weigh in next week and see what happens. Exercise free night tonight but body pump straight from work tomorrow!
Fantastic stuff! So jelous that your husband can cook :D my bf can hardly cook pasta!

I know what you mean about not needing syns sometimes. Basically SW encourages us to not go low syn as we are likely to feel deprived and binge, but if you dont need them some days then you dont need them! Just means you can have a nice slab of cake another day if you need it ;)
A lot of people think that aiming for low syn is going to get them better losses but it is just more likely to make them fall off the wagon out of deprivation of treats. All about the balance- you've definiteky got the right idea there not forcing them down you for the sake of it, and for getting these hifi rocky road bars for another time! :)

I didnt get much from either group's IMAGE therapy really, but can imagine it is a great support system especially over xmas- lots of tips for how to handle all the nosh around probably! X
Glad you found the introduction good! Ours always has the long meeting afterwards and sometimes I just don't have the enthusiasm to stay. The consultant is really encouraging though, as are the other slimmers but yeah, I don't get loads from it I just feel I should stay!

No, sometimes I don't have syns either. It's good to know they're there but not always necessarily needed.

That's a great weigh in! If you factor in time of day and the like too then I think you're on to a winner! Do you think you'll still weigh in at home on Friday?