Silver Member
Hello there Ladies, Hope you don't mind me butting in, I'm an emotional one as well, I find that anything set's me off whilst I'm on CD!xx
Hello missyI'm back on track today - stuck to my products and having chicken and salad for tea. Bloody hate not being in ketosis, I've got the are you getting on?! xx
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I'm terrible for cheating lol! Had alot of "Blip's" Throughout my 10 weeks! But the guilt just isn't worth it at all!xx
Wannabe lollipop said:ChristyT.
Just seen your post in binning the boyf. Well done. You did better than I did. Lol xxx
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Fairy577 said:Go Christy go Christy! I'm on a I hate men campaign. Wanna join ha ha. I'm hoping to break into the 16 stones mark when I get weighed next tues. I feel like I have lost nothing this week though! I was 17.4 last tues. fingers crossed for next tues xxx
ChristyT said:Ah I saw on u'r diary that u'r starting u'r final year aren't u?? Good luck, u'r soooo close u must b looking forward to finishing the end stretch nowStill got 2 years left on my's taking forever!!
Ive got the 2nd day back on plan under my belt - its been easier today thank goodness. Got on the scales and I'm a pound up on last week but not getting weighed officially until Friday - going to work hard to get rid of that last pound and try and knock another pound off so at least I can turn it into a loss instead of a gainxx
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