I'll prove I can do it!!

I am really struggling at the moment :( I have been starving hungry the last 2 days and cheated....bloody self sabotage or what?!!! Still weigh 14st9 thank god but I really need to knuckle down. It's my best friend's b'day tomorrow and we have a huge night out planned...will be super good today and then will be back on it on Sunday as long as I am not too hungover.......

Ps Claire - KEEP THE PHOTOS - amazing before and after hey?!!!!! xxxxx
Morning Christy. Ok you need distraction to help that "hunger feeling" subside and it will. If you are really desperate have a coke zero or fizzy water. The fizz seems to help me feel full. If you manage a really good day tomorrow you will be able to enjoy tomorrow night at your friend's birthday without feeling stressed about eating. Remember that stress feeling when out celebrating is just not worth feeling as it can ruin the night. Come on have a good day and remind yourself it isn't forever, it is just for today so you can enjoy tomorrow. Then take it from there. x
I am really struggling at the moment :( I have been starving hungry the last 2 days and cheated....bloody self sabotage or what?!!! Still weigh 14st9 thank god but I really need to knuckle down. It's my best friend's b'day tomorrow and we have a huge night out planned...will be super good today and then will be back on it on Sunday as long as I am not too hungover.......

Ps Claire - KEEP THE PHOTOS - amazing before and after hey?!!!!! xxxxx

keep at it. You can do it:)
I am really struggling at the moment :( I have been starving hungry the last 2 days and cheated....bloody self sabotage or what?!!! Still weigh 14st9 thank god but I really need to knuckle down. It's my best friend's b'day tomorrow and we have a huge night out planned...will be super good today and then will be back on it on Sunday as long as I am not too hungover.......

Ps Claire - KEEP THE PHOTOS - amazing before and after hey?!!!!! xxxxx

Sorry to hear you are struggling Hun! Come on you can do this think of the slimmer of the year!

Hope you have a good night out and get back on it on Sunday! X
Thanks everyone....i'm afraid yesterday I ate food I shouldn't and know I was comfort eating.

Basically I am being harassed by the guy I finished with last weekend and it got so bad yesterday I had to call the Police in. Feeling pretty **** at the moment....GG was totally right about him!! xxx
Oh! No! Awh! Christy that's just awful! I completely understand the emotional eating with the stress of that. It's exactly how I would have reacted/needed to do. How are you today? I do hope everything is ok on that front and sorted. On the weight loss front keep trying, and try not to let the stress of this allow the comfort eating to become a continuous thing. It may not be easy I know but we are here for you.
Thanks Kira, it's been awful but I am just looking forward and not letting him drag me down. I had a fantastic night with my best mate and his boyfriend last night and he made me feel a million dollars with compliments.

Feeling rather fragile today and had a roast dinner at lunchtime to aide the recovery. Back on it from tomorrow.

Check these pics out......middle one was me 2 years ago and believe it or not I was 2 stone heavier when I started CD...the others were me last night!


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Crikey!! You look amazing!!! For that picture I can't seem where you're going to lose the remaining couple of stone from?! Love your hair too! You look very Stylish!

Here's to a good week ahead from tomorrow. Relax and enjoy your Sunday evening petal! X
Wow you look amazing!!!

Have enjoyed reading your diary and following your progress. I find having a diary really helps!

Keep going you look awesome!
Thanks everyone....i'm afraid yesterday I ate food I shouldn't and know I was comfort eating.

Basically I am being harassed by the guy I finished with last weekend and it got so bad yesterday I had to call the Police in. Feeling pretty **** at the moment....GG was totally right about him!! xxx

Hi Hun your photos are fab wow what a difference! Sorry you had a difficult time yesterday hun! Glad you had a nice time out! Take care Hun x x
Holy Kamoly Christy you look hawt!!! Love that Outfit you have on. It's beautiful!
And not good on the ex front. Hope you are ok hunny. I have been pretty **** following cd but I have to get back on it. I went on that date last night but ye was a bit too nice. We will see what like. I don't know of I can be arsed to be honest. I am totally keeping those pics of me. They are so bad!! Check them out. The latest one excuse the state of my room. I was mid clear out ha ha. I only took the pic to show my chum my new extensions but I like how different I look. I'm such a pic postin whore. :) xx


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Hola Christy

Sorry to hear about your problems with your man. It's always a fine idea to keep new relationships on the down low at first. Like I said, no big plans or child introducing for the first 12 months. It really works. And to reiterate my red flags... A man who is all ' I love you' within a month, wanting to see you all the time, happy to play happy families within a few months, talking of your future etc etc is a MAN TO BE AVOIDED. Also give a swerve to men who live at home, have alcohol or drugs issues or are unemployed without a damn fine reason.

On the plus side, you binned him off at the first sign of him being a cock which is highly commendable. Make sure you do not engage with him at all... so no responding to texts or calls. Even a text saying ' leave me alone ' is inviting dialogue, so have absolutely zero contact. And remember, the only acceptable level of abuse - be it physical, emotional or financial - is ZERO. Just because the last bloke was a grade 10 b astard doesn't mean that this one is worth putting up with because he only comes in at grade 7.

I could probably write a book on this stuff. :D

Love your last pic - lovely swish hair! How are you finding the dieting recently?
I'm here! I have been doing rubbish ha ha. But hey ho I'm back on it again. X
Well here I am.....crawling in with my head hung low. I've had an awful 2 weeks. I well and truely fell off the diet wagon and I was too ashamed
to own up.

I've discovered I am still an emotional eater and probably always will be :(

My CDC texted me today and we've spoken today. I'm seeing her on Thursday - I know I have to get back on track, I've come too far to bail this close to target.

I'm so sorry guys :( :( :( xxx
Oh hello

Don't feel so bad! We've all been wobbly lately

What's the plan ? Let's have a challenge week and really go for it. What do you think ?