I'll prove I can do it!!

I have so many clothes that I don't actually have room for them all and have to store some under my bed. Oops!

Sadly I think I will always be prone to weight gain. What is working for me right now is being strict with myself during the week and then having a meal on a Saturday night. Me and the other half cook together then and usually have whatever we fancy... last night was roasted veg covered in goats cheese with olive oil infused chicken followed by apple pie with ice cream and then a little later on I had some mini eggs. Today I am back to normal and have had 4 Ryvita with Quorn and salad so far today. I probably won't exceed 800 calories today, just to balance out last night a little. If I work it like this then I stay 9 stone something. If i start eating chocolate every day then the scales creep up. Simple when you put it like that isn't it!

I also have my holiday in June to bear in mind and I do NOT want some last minute 'oh GOD I must lose three stone ' kind of scenario a fortnight beforehand, so best I keep things on an even keel over the next few months. I feel my bikini wearing days are behind me < my tummy is just too fat and always will be > so am planning on wearing little board shorts and a bikini top. But to do that I MUST STAY IN THE 9S
Kira - another tip.. Have you considered amending your goal weight? So, I know you want to be 8 stone ultimately but could you forget that for now and amend your stats to show... 9 stone or something? It might give you a boost to see in black and white that you only had 7lbs to go? Maybe even 9 stone 2. Anything to try and boost your willpower a little
GG that's a good idea. I think I will re-set stats to goal weight of 8st 7lbs and I know I could get there if I stick to plan (as I did this before back in 2008 - such a long time ago!!) I got to 9st back in 2009 and of course before Christmas but 9st for my frame and build still makes me look and feel fat. So my first goal is to reach 9st again and is a few pounds away so not so daunting. The next half stone I'm probably better of tackling in two parts, 4 pounds and then the final 3. I shall go and update my stats right now and amend my ticker. Need to do this before I cave into the wretched New York cheese cake my teenage son wanted me to buy in Waitrose earlier today!
That's just what my sister does GG - she's maintained a fabulous figure for 7 years now and has even had a baby in that time and pinged back into shape using that approach. She doesn't eat bread in the week either but has it as a treat for breakfast on Saturday and Sunday.

I also think that's really good advice Kira - 9st2 would see a big change in how u'r clothes feel and is so achievable in a month. Once u get there u can revise u'r target down into the 8s as originally wanted. I've always said 12st is my target, but I am keeping that under review and may finish at 12st7, or I may even try and get to 11st7 - it depends on how I'm looking :) xxx
Ok I have a confession...I've slipped up :( bloody boss has brought shed loads of chocolate and chocolate biscuits into the office and I have given into temptation...one twirl finger which is bad enough but I had 4 chocolate biscuits...4?!!! What the hell is wrong with me?!!! Anyway I am putting the event behind me and promising to behave for the rest of the day :( xxx
It's done Christy and great for putting it behind you. The hardest bit (for which I admire you!) is that you;ll continue the rest of your day on plan! I think that is essentially the key to weightloss! Not that I would necessarily have done the same thing! I'd have continued eating until tomorrow! And for me at times tomorrow never arrives! (Well the old me!) Once you get into full ketosis you'll be really into the swing of things. Get rid of that glycogen from the biccies and you'll be near ketosis heaven! Few stars jumps will do it! Btw I have revised my goal as per GG's suggestion and have broken it down to mini mini goals! Complete day 2 (today and its hard!) reach 9st (weighed 9st 4lb 4oz this morning) then focus on losing 2lb at a time whether that 2lb loss take a week or is over a week, that's fine, I just want to stick to plan and not gain. I can handle a STS too as long as I know I have stuck to plan. But today I just want to get through!
I keep wondering why we stalled when we were doing so well? It suddenly seemed so difficult and impossible to resist food didn't it?

I spend half my life feeling all panicky about it- like the lost lbs are suddenly going to pounce on me and wrestle themselves back onto my arse and hips. I want to be half a stone lighter. I feel wobbly at this weight - yeah, this weight of 9 stone something that was like a mystical dream 6 months ago. It's a total head f uck.

Anyway I'm having a concerted effort today and aiming , like kira, to plod through it. I've had two products so far and I have spin class at 6.15. My cup runneth over!

What would help get us motivated enough to at least last for say , three whole days ? Because let's face it , we've not even managed that for a while have we?
Sigh! Well I'm asking myself that same question GG "what would get us motivated to at least last 3 whole days?" I think we have to look back to when we did manage three whole days and more (which was some time ago really) and get into that same mindset. Certainly very strict routine and the sameness helps me get through. Any slight variations and I can go off kilter easily. I had the killer of a PT session today and sweated loads, it was not stop circuit of weight lifts, fast treadmill running and rowing for a full hour! I was ravenous to say the least. So I have two packs left to go before bedtime. The wave of hunger pang has subsided as I drank a glass of water but I know it is likely to come back. So I need to get through three hours before early bedtime. Come on we get through today and tackle tomorrow when it arrives. I wonder if spring\summer purchases would get us motivated? Something to "fit" into or would look better if we were a few pounds down?
Well I know what my real problem is....I like to push the boundaries and think I'm getting away with stuff!!! Not very clever I know but I do it in every aspect of my life. At the end of the day this diet costs over £40 per week and all I am doing is wasting my money and giving me less chance is reaching target before my b'day in May.

Lets do a 3 day challenge starting today! Let's see if we can get to Friday morning with zero slip ups - wot do u reckon guys?? xxx
You can do it girls :D x
I'm in!

I was 100% yesterday - 2 CD products and a bowl of fruit/yogurt after a killer of a Spin session.

I have started my day with a bowl of fat free natural yogurt with kallo brown rice cereal, choped banana, plum, strawberry and passion fruit. I'll have a CD bar at around 2 ish and then we shall see. just take it an hour at a time!
Morning Christy! I am up for that as I think today will be a challenge. Can't seem to get past 3 days without a mini binge or some kind lately. You what we need is DETERMINATION!! We had that previously and I think we've simply forgotten that word. I re-read GG's diary and it was full of determination especially her first 8 weeks.
Lol! Hey! GG I've planned my day in mini blocks of time. 3 hours blocks, as if each hour or block completed is a 100% day. Day 3 here I come!
Oh yes... we were most determined back then! I started wavering all over the place just before Christmas and I've not managed more than 3 or 4 days of 'super strict' since then. Amazing that I have managed to stay in the 9s, now I think about it. People look amazed if I tell them I'd like to lose just a few lbs...but what people don't realise is that it's all relative... this weight is not quite right for me. It's not far off, but it's not right. So I am going in to day 2 and feeling determined.

We can do this! < wibble >
Hi Ladies
I hope you dont mind me gatecrashing - but I've sat here reading the entire thread from beginning to end.... and can relate to what you are all going through (including men!)
I'm not in the UK - I'm in South Africa - so when you all talk lbs, I have a calculator and sit and convert, as we are in kg's! :)

I'm on day 26 of SS and finding myself starting to waver, and wanting to 'treat' myself for good performance days!!!

My CDC has told me NO FOOD for a min 12 weeks - and I'm not in my 4th week of no food and dying inside!

I'm 42, divorced with 2 kids - and I still have to cook for them and their food, no matter what, looks soooo nice!!!!

I've been 99% good the past 3weeks 5 days (whose counting! :D) - and find when I'm ravenous, I have a boiled egg! Whoopie!

I came on here today for some motivation.

I have lost week 1-3 = 15.6lbs (7.1kgs) and I have another 28kgs (60lbs) to lose!!!

I had a boiled egg on Friday night, (weigh in is Friday morning for me - so felt to 'cheat' early on in the week is 'better' for me) and then on Saturday my kids and I were at a bbq and I had 2 ribs!!! I've felt so bad ever since!

Need to figure out my avatars etc, so you "know" who I am.
<wobble> Yes we can!!! I feel the same way. Looking at my journal I stopped in my tracks around from 14 January and I haven't managed at most 3 to 4 days of either eating "normally" or a combination off vlcd products and food whilst calorie counting. I think the only reason I haven't gained more than I have is because I've had 2 PT sessions a week since then. That of course is great if I had reached target even my new target of 8st 7 but I haven't! So let's get through today no matter what. We aren't going to die if we don't give in the awful wibble wobbles!!! Need to ride through the wibble wobble!
Hi! Jilly and welcome to Minis! You are doing FAB DO NOT UNDO what you have achieved to date! (Ok I can hardly talk since my recent struggle!) But you are in ketosis and burning fat. Getting into ketosis is hell as you know, and of course it isn't plain sailing when in ketosis either. Vlcd is hell however one looks at it (IMAO) but it works! So join the challenge to get to Friday 100% and we'll take it from there. (I'm finding taking small blocks of time is working right now and I will apply that to blocks of days too). It may help us not cave into the wavering wibble wobble!
Thanks Kira!!! How long do/can you stay in ketosis for? Is it healthy to be in it for long? I'm struggling with going to the loo and bad breathe! :eek:

I can do Friday 100% no problem - weekends are difficult for me and I tend to decline ANY invitations to go out, and have become a bit of a hermit I'm afraid! :rolleyes:

I have to weigh and take my own measurements as I dont have a consultant that lives near me (its her that lives far out, not me)...lol.

I'm finding I'm a bit of a scale hogger and I get on the scale most mornings to check how I'm doing, and then get angry at myself when the weight is not "dropping off" me on a daily basis. I'm basically starving myself - and I want instant results.... I know... I know... sigh.:sigh:

So I'm going to join in for daily motivational pep talks on how NOT to weigh myself every day, and NOT to worry about what other people think of this diet (I've only got negative feedback from my friends and family who say this is not good for my body).... so I'm defensive, and prefer not to tell anyone WHICH diet I'm doing...

So I'm on 3 shakes a day and water, water and water..... and I've been at this for 3.5weeks.... 1/4 of the way through and feeling like I need something REAL to eat.... a boiled egg is 63 calories, so not out of the question, and being so tall I should ideally be having 4 shakes a day - so dont feel tooooooooo bad having a boiled egg here and there. Its the kids food I want tho! LOL!
Jilly, if you are tall you should be having the 4 packs a day not 3. This is crucial to ensure you're getting the right nutrients. It may be the difference to help you stick completely to plan. As for ketosis on the CD products in the UK (they vary to country to country I believe) depending on BMI you can stay on for a full 12 weeks. I can't off the top of my head remember all the details but Christy or GG will come along and let you know about that I'm sure. As for daily weighing ...eek! I am a serial daily weigher and I am fine with the numbers staying the same or sometimes it going up! BUT only if I know I have been 100%. So you have to decide whether daily weighing, same time in the morning, post pee, naked is the best for you. Many people advise against this but this really works for me. It sound to me you are now mentally at the "feeling deprived" stage and hence you feel like eating. Have you tried the bars? Saving bars for when you feel the weakest ie. need to chew is a good way to get through that wavering feeling. Yup! Kids food does it for me too! But is simply isn't worth it! You are 1/4 the way through!! Take it in blocks of time and focus on that until you reach the end of one block. Just don't give up now, it will be so worth it!