I'm back, and need to lose 2 more stone. I MUST I MUST.

That makes like easier then M. I'm sure Elle won't have any worries at all about you joining in the conversation x
Morning elle love
4 days and counting till the biggus dayus! Think I'm almost there folks! Jim the owners of Beeches Walk fish bar have pride of place lol, they even get their own special buttonholes since they're the groom's close family. I'll put some photos up for you all to peruse as soon as I can. Should be good :) xx
Good luck and all the best :)
Elle - I didn't realise it was that near. Have a lovely day - I wish you well and look forward to seeing the pics. Are William and Kate aware they are being upstaged? I'm sure your wedding will be far more interesting x
Hi elle, how exciting love, I hope your day goes well and you live happily ever after sweetheart
This is the real fairytale wedding - Elle is OUR royalty eh Jim x
Yes indeed Gem, Morning Elle love
Ermmmm I don't get it. I've been looking through the TV guide but I can't find what channel 'THE' Wedding is on?! Ah well, I will just have to wait for the pics. Have a great day Elle, hope it goes as planned and the weather is kind to you x
I'd switch on for that one Taz - Have a lovely wedding - don't be too long with the pics x
It's on every bloody chanel it seems
Woo hoo!!!! Today's the day!!!! Congratulations to Elle and Chris, our very own Royal Couple x
I suspect elle is enjoying her honeymoon :)
I don't think we'll hear from her for a week or two Jim x

Enjoy Elle x
Wow! You look absolutely fabulous in the pictures :D
Lovely photos Elle - beautiful bride, beautiful dress x