Hi Guys & Girlies!!
:new_year: Here's to 2010 being the best year yet!
As you can see, I'm back!! And I've updated my stats to show a mahoosive Christmas and New Year weight gain! :booboo:
But I'm feeling positive.....it's a new year and a new start and I now have 12 glorious months to try and kick this food addiction for good! :17729:
I am now officially fed up of the sight, taste and smell of fat, greasy foods and chocolate and am ready for a full on
Health Spurt!
I have also updated my targets to reflect this gain....but also to reflect my more realisitic approach to losing weight!
The OH bought me new trainers, jogging bottoms and 10 sessions with a personal trainer for Christmas (so he was obviously trying to tell me something! lol!)
So 2010 is going to be MY year!!
I am planning on loosing a more realistic 2lbs a week from now on....until all the weight is gone! That's 4stone by July 19th when I'm meant to be going on holidays to Greece!
I'm not going to dwell on what I failed at last year - I'm going to concentrate on the positives of 2009 to take me forward to 2010!
Firstly, 2009 brought me a gorgeous likkle baby girl - my princess Annabelle Eve, and my weight battle and health regime is going to be for her! By December 2010 I am going to be a yummy mummy for her!
I have a number of New Years Resolutions this year, some are food/weight related and some are just life related!
1) To lose weight and feel HEALTHIER
2) To have lots of photos taken with Annabelle regardless of my size!
3) To do lots of healthy, fun things with Annabelle, including swimming, going for walks, bike riding, playing on the beach....
4) To go to the gym AT LEAST 3 times a week and to continue changing my workout to stay motivated :character00115:
5)To celebrate my successes! :clap:
6) To spend more time with friends and family - and capture the moments with photos
7) To excel in my new job and be at the top of my game by December 2010
8) To do the Breast Cancer Walk for Life 2010 (I've been saying I'm going to do it for years and this year I actually AM!)
9) To spend New Years 2010 on the beach in a swimming costume with no cover up/wrap needed/wanted!
10) To work on getting my confidence and self esteem back - regardless of my size! I am going to do this by eating healthily, exercising, not weighing often and spending time with my girlies - getting dressed up nice!
My plan to the New Me, will be:
I have decided to celebrate my successes and give myself a pat on the back at the end of every week!
I am going to weigh at the start of my new diet - Jan 4th - and take a new photo and new measurements. I am then going to weigh at the end of Feb! So no weighing for nearly 2 months!
I am going to take a new photograph of me in my swimming costume every month

and keep them in a progress book along with printouts of my weight (when I DO weigh)....
I'm going to start writing everything down again, whether its on here or in my food diary - might not have a lot of time to log on with my new job, but I'm going to make sure I log on every Sunday and Wednesday at least!
I'm going to go to the gym regularly, at least three times a week is realistic with my new (full time) job and spending time with AB...so my definate gym days will be Monday, Thursday and Sunday....with possible extra sessions fitted it on Fridays and Saturdays....
Food wise I'm going to start counting calories and fat again - I'm going to make sure I drink lots of water and green tea, eat lots of veg, fruit and salad and slowly re-introduce Xenical!!
Right I'm going to have a nosey around other people's pages now and say hi!
Love you all!
Well done to all the people who have kept it up! You're doing fab!