Happy new year everyone! Hope you all had a good christmas and new year?
Here's to hoping that 2011 is a good one!
I'm hoping for health, wealth and happiness myself!
Anyone got any new years resolutions?
I've got a few myself....they're all quite materialistic and vain(poor shallow me!) but who cares! That's why they're MY resolutions!
1) Lose weight
2) Start exercising more
3) Pass my driving test
4) Get a new job
5) Find the real "Lynsey" again - allowing myself some "me" time and not feeling guilty about it
6) Enjoy this year without feeling guilty/self conscious about my weight/looks
7) Get healthier (no more trips to the hospital for me this year, please!)
8) Win the lottery!
Ok the last win is a big big WISH rather than a resolution ;-)
Well how are all you lovely ladies?
I'm feeling positive for this year. I've got 2 weeks worth of CD left, so I'm going to start tomorrow and try and get this blubber under control.
I've got some really good events coming up this year that give me focuses for my weight loss:
March 5th - my brother's surprise 40th birthday party
April 2nd - my sister's birthday: Cave girl fancy dress - eek!! I'm too old for this!
May 20th - girlie spa weekend in Liverpool
May 27th - bank holiday weekend away with the family
June 3rd - possibly a fortnight's holiday in Majorca - fingers crossed OH will book this soon!
Sat 2nd July - OH's work Summer Ball
Friday 19th July - weekend to Alton Towers as never went last year as I was ill with gallstones!!
So I'm hoping I can lose 4 stone with CD by the girlie weekend away.....fingers crossed!! Most people can lose over a stone a month on CD so that would be fab for me!! I was "averaging" 5lbs a week last time....if I can match that this time I'll be in my element!
I dont actually know what I weigh at the moment..... I was 15 stone dead on back in November.... I've a feeling I'm a lot heavier than that now...I'm too scared to weigh! I'd be devastated if I'm over 16 again.......
I'll see if I can pluck up the courage to weigh myself in the morning!
I've reminded myself of WHY I want to lose weight and why the Cambridge Plan is the best plan for me, to keep me focused:
Reasons for sticking with CD:
1) Rapid weight loss
2) Allows me to “step back” from food and re-assess my diet
3) Gets me closer to my goal
4) I like the shakes, porridge and bars – so no excuse!!
5) Extra water and vitamins will leave my skin and hair looking fab’
6) I will be able to fit into smaller clothes in just a few weeks time
7) Only £40/week – I spend more than this on takeaways!
8) Convenient to take to work, no hassle cooking.
9) I lost weight so quickly last time and felt great
10) I had so many compliments when I lost weight last time
Reasons for wanting to lose weight:
1) To feel more confident and look good in clothes
2) To be able to go shopping in any shop and know the clothes fit and look good
3) To re-discover my love for clothes and shopping
4) To improve my sex life
5) To improve my relationship as I will be more confident
6) To be a yummy mummy and not a slummy mummy!
7) To have energy to take Annabelle out and do energetic things, swimming, walking, football, running,
8) To not be a slave to food!!!
9) To go on holidays abroad and not have to worry about not fitting in a plane seat / be able to get the belt around me
10)To go to Alton Towers in August and not have to worry about not fitting on the rides
11)To be able to wear a mini skirt with pride
12)To be able to wear summery clothes in the hot weather and sexy, smart clothes in the winter (jumper dresses and tights anyone??!! Yes please!!)
13)To be wolf whistled
14)For someone to say “wow you’re stunning,” rather than “but you’ve got a really pretty face!” L (happened 3 times over Christmas alone! Bleepers! - do people not realise this is a back handed compliment!)
15)To be able to dance on tables and not worry I’m going to break them!
16)To be able to start playing netball again.
17)To be able to go to the gym in little shorts and a vest and look GOOD!
Some VERY good reasons there!!
I'm going to nosey around other's pages to find some thinspiration!