Thanks girlies x
Katie its lovely to see you back!!
This week's WI is showing -2lbs, official WI is i hope I can miraculously shred some more tonight! lol!
but really, putting stuff into perspective I'm more than happy with -19lbs in 3 weeks.
Right, now the bad news - my doctor has ordered more blood tests, as my current ones are showing that ketosis is putting my body under stress it cant cope with. My liver enzymes were elevated and my kidney and liver arent coping too well either - hence the bloated sore tummy and pains.
So my doctor wants me to follow a higher CD plan and make sure I eat a healthy balanced meal every day. He thinks this will also help with the constipation.
So the plan he's wrote out for me from yesterday is to try the following (whilst having regular health checks
(He doesnt want me to come straight bk off CD and onto food or he thinks that will confuse my body AGAIN, so he wants me to adjust gradually, by doing this
Friday - Friday
3 CD Shakes and a 300 calorie meal
Record weight loss and how I'm feeling. Back to doctors on the Monday for blood pressure and more blood tests.
Then 3 x shakes and a 500 calorie meal for 2 weeks - record weight loss and how I'm feeling.
Then for 2 weeks, swap to a healthy diet of low calorie food to take the place of the CD products and include lots of fruit and veg, low carb, low fat, high protein foods. No less than 1200 calories for these two weeks.
He's put suggested meals as:
Breakfast: porridge with fresh fruit and a low fat yogurt
OR 2 x weetabix with skimmed milk
Dinner: Soup or a chicken/tuna/egg salad
With more fruit
Tea: A healthy balanced meal - no more than 600 calories and no later than 6.30pm.
Allowed Snacks: fruit, yogurt, nuts, seeds, crackers and cottage cheese.
Not allowed: processed foods - try to keep as natural as possible except for "treats", cakes, biscuits, crisps, chocolates, white bread, chips etc...
Eat in moderation: fats (opt for "good" fats,) wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, potatoes.
He's wrote to try and eat any carbs from breakfast to lunch and very low carbs at tea time - as other wise they just get converted to body fat as you sleep.
He's sent all this to my CDC too so she's going to be keeping track too.
So I need to make this change back to "normal" eating over the next weeks and keep a diary of what I ate and what I lost.
Im not used to getting this much attention from the doctors as they normally dont care! so I'm 100% going to give it a go and see how its goes.
He reckons, because of my current weight, I can still lose 3-4lbs a week healthily on this diet without doing any internal damage.... so I'll give it a go!
When I've done my 2 weeks at minimum 1200 calories, he wants me to go back so he can see how much I've lost and then I'm going to start training too, so he's going to put me on 1500calories for 2 weeks!
So I'm going to stick to this plan and see how I feel.... he said I CAN carry on using the CD products if I want to, to get my calories in, in balanced amounts inc vitamins and minerals, but he WOULD prefer me to re-educate myself on healthy and not-healthy foods.
He's not one that agrees with CD as he thinks you just put it all bk on afterwards (& more) as you havent re-educated yourself on what is healthy and what isnt, so when you have to make food choices again you cant and are bk where you started....
I suppose that DOES make sense, and I DO have a pretty warped sense of what is good and what isnt,... but I have more self control when Im on CD than I do on another diet :-(
But I'm determined this time - this weight is coming off in 2012!! xx
Good luck girlies!! We can do this!! xx
Kes, you switched to healthy eating from CD - how have you found it? xx