[IM BACK!] ShrinkingAlice's Diary. Through the Looking Glass...

That's fab!!! Well done! :) I had my 5 week weigh in today too, lost 2lbs. I'm 1st 10 1/2lbs down! Only need 3 1/2 to get that 2 stone next week, fingers crossed! x
you can do it samantha!

I took a comparison pic yesterday, cant believe i can see a difference already!


Still a way to go but happy with the difference already! Went shopping yesterday and bought 2 pairs of jeans and a top, too small at the mo but not for long! still feeling amazingly positive xxx
Re: ShrinkingAlice's Diary. Through the Looking Glass...

Welk done u r doing fab ... great inspiration ! Am on day four of restart now and dare I say it I am actually enjoying it ! Xx

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TMI post!

I am on the contraceptive implant, which apart from the first month has stopped my periods, but today I have been surprised by my period starting, ugh not impressed! Ive read other people's cycles being messed up, im just worried that the implant isnt working as well and i could do without getting pregnant, ive done it once and that was enough, wouldnt change my baby girl for the world but im happy with one! So im thinking im going to be abstaining for a while, poor hubby haha! I have a latex allergy to boot and latex-free condoms are sooo expensive (not as expensive as a baby!!) I think we have 8 of them so they need to last us till next year lmfao!! Im sure that is one expense that hubby wont mind lmao! im saying hubby but i have to say it will be me too hahaha! :8855:

Anyway, enough with the TMI!! Still on plan 100%, drinking water and sleeping well at night. Also not needing an afternoon nap either now so thats a bonus. I am starting to get excited about healthy cooking and eating when I can. I have some of my meals planned for my 1 week on step 2 already. Bought the hairy dieters cook book and there is some lovely looking stuff in there.
not sure you are going to want to hear this but I had the implant for about 18months, after the first 2 months I was 'on' pretty much constantly! The doctors kept telling me it would settle down but mine never did and my periods haven't been regular since. But was always under the impression that despite the bodies reaction to the hormones in the implant (like bleeding) it shouldn't effect the effectiveness of the implant. Might be worth speaking the the dr or nurse at your surgery just to get some reassurance :D

You are really inspiring me, I really want to be able to do a vlcd or any diet actually but my heads not in it. Although I'm starting back at work next week so maybe now would be the best time to start.
im at the docs next week seeing the nurse so going to ask about it then, hoping it doesnt last the next 2 years though Nicki!!

Well, ive decided to start working out a little bit at a time. I have some medical problems which affects my back and hips (and everything really!) so working out is going to be a bit difficult but im going to take it slow and not push myself too hard too fast. And if i need to stop, then i stop. I have different pain on different days so Im hoping I can find different things to do depending on how I feel. I have started the squat challenge today, I dont know how I feel when I do squats or afterwards so I might not be able to do it, but im starting it and seeing how it goes. This is the problem, I havent worked out properly in a long time, and my health has changed since then, so i dont know what I can and cant do, until I do it. But I want to try and get some toning done at least so Im not a wobbly blob at the end of my weight loss, or not AS much of a wobbly blob!!

Today is day 19! wow, its flying by now. I knew it would once I was into the swing of things. Im not missing food, Im not hungry and Im enjoying it. I felt a bit pissed off this morning as my friend has just gone to Florida for 2 weeks, all paid for by her future mother/father in laws. But, not to worry, things are going to change for me, they already are.
Squat-tastic Challenge:

Day 150 squats:checkmark:Day 16Rest
Day 255 squats:checkmark:Day 17150 squats
Day 360 squats:checkmark:Day 18155 squats
Day 4Rest :checkmark:Day 19160 squats
Day 570 squats:checkmark:Day 20Rest
Day 675 squats:checkmark:Day 21180 squats
Day 780 squats :checkmark:Day 22185 squats
Day 8Rest:checkmark:Day 23190 squats
Day 9100 squats:checkmark:Day 24Rest
Day 10105 squatsDay 25220 squats
Day 11110 squatsDay 26225 squats
Day 12RestDay 27230 squats
Day 13130 squatsDay 28Rest
Day 14135 squatsDay 29240 squats
Day 15140 squatsDay 30250 squats

Wow that is ALOT of squats, I dont know if I will manage that!! I might change it to a week at each level instead of a day. I do have 52 weeks, well 49.5 weeks to my goal date so I could definately do that. I will see how I feel each day and may have to tweak it to my needs. Ive done 25 today so 25 more to do.
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Hey Shrinkingalice
Just wanted to say how great you're doing! On here for some inspiration and you've given me it! Keep going, Im only on day 2 but feeling very positive!!:)
Squat-tastic Challenge, day 2, done. They arent as hard as I was expecting, but I have done the 2 days squats in 2 sessions to make it a bit easier for me. Thursday tomorrow, this week has gone fast, im really into this 'not eating food' thing now, its easy since I dont have to think about it. The watching of food programmes has started now and reading recipe books. Ive got the hairy dieters cookbook, its got some really step 2 friendly recipes and Im looking forward to cooking. I was going to put cooking 'again' but I never really cooked before, that was hubbys job but Im actually looking forward to it now. Looking forward to cooking healthily, re-learning what my body needs. I feel like this break from food has really helped my figure out what I want from life. Yes, I want to lose this weight but when my mind isnt constantly thinking about what to eat and what to buy foodwise I can think about other things. Ive been thinking about hobbies and things to do and Im going to learn how to do acrylic nails and also how to do fancy nail art. Ive ordered some bits off ebay to practice with so that should arrive tomorrow and it should be quite fun!

I would be interested in reading your results on the Hairy Bikers Step 2 Friendly Recipes - have had a thread for just that for SS+: http://www.minimins.com/cd-recipe-i...other-day-another-recipe-ss-recipe-ideas.html - remember pictures of your masterpieces and notes on any tweaks you had to do vs. the original recipe!!!

There is also one I have for step 2 that is a bit thread bare currently:

You have got me interested in the squat challenge. Is it hard on your knees? I have knee damage from a car accident I was in a few years ago and could do with something that will help me develop my knees but at the same time I don't want to aggravate them either....
Is it your weigh day today? If so good luck xx
Its tomorrow, thanks anyway i will carry the good luck over to tomorrow :)

I would be interested in reading your results on the Hairy Bikers Step 2 Friendly Recipes - have had a thread for just that for SS+: http://www.minimins.com/cd-recipe-i...other-day-another-recipe-ss-recipe-ideas.html - remember pictures of your masterpieces and notes on any tweaks you had to do vs. the original recipe!!!

There is also one I have for step 2 that is a bit thread bare currently:

You have got me interested in the squat challenge. Is it hard on your knees? I have knee damage from a car accident I was in a few years ago and could do with something that will help me develop my knees but at the same time I don't want to aggravate them either....

I wont be doing step 2 until 27th oct and only for a week but im really into reading the recipes at the moment anyway hehe. As for the squats I have bad knees to and Im not finding it too bad on them, its my back and hips that feel it more than knees, thats if you do it properly. Google or youtube how to do squats properly x

Just been reading my easy cook magazine, i am so looking forward to cooking. I think Im going to make christmas chutney to give as christmas gifts, its resonably priced to make and i love home made gifts, i dont think some people will appreciate it but its their loss! So im going to start that in mid December and it will be ready for christmas eating, not for me but for my family/friends.

Weigh day tomorrow, about to put E down for a nap so probably going to do something exercisey while she sleeps. More later x
Re: ShrinkingAlice's Diary. Through the Looking Glass...


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I didnt manage to get E down for a nap, but I did have a walk this morning so hoping that will help at least a bit. I might even get up early to do exercise, ha! i love my sleep and my bed is my favourite place so that is very doubtful it will happen! But the thought is at least there. Im going to go to bed infact now, weigh in day tomorrow woop. Fingers crossed that my first TOTM in 8 months wont ruin it for me!!
Jinxed by the witch, lost 1 pound this week. I have always had sucky weight losses when its my totm so at least its a minus and not a plus. Hoping next week will be alot better, need to lost 4 and quarter pounds a week to hit my 12 week goal. i have to admit i feel a bit disappointed, but its nothing i have done wrong, just one of those things. I do feel very bloated and i just retain water so much when im on. Sometimes it sucks to be a woman!!
I bet you still have a cracking loss and if you don't because of ttm it will show next week :)
You've completely inspired me to give my shakes another go,I've started today and so far I'm doing ok.
Good luck with weigh in xxx