Silver Member
Well done on the loss! That's great!
Glad you got things sorted out with the OH! x
Glad you got things sorted out with the OH! x
Haha it was funny because I was writing my meal plan out yesterday and I had put gammon down for the week and as I had just finished writing it my OH text me saying can we have gammon this week so moved it from later in week to tonight shall post some pics later of lunch and tea!
Yes definitely must be one of those weeks. I must say I have got better as with my ex we would fall out and i'd be very stubborn and not speak to him for days or be mardy for days but with my OH we say our piece and then we get over it and are fine with each other which I prefer haha.
I am going to get my recipe folder out tonight and have a look for something new to try as I feel I eat pretty much the same meals x
Oh that is hard work trying to plan meals around what you have in....we often do that towards the end of the month if funds are running a bit low. It is soooo expensive to do slimming world I find...we now try to aim to spend £60 a week on food as it got to a point where sometimes it would be £80 - £100 a week and that's just ridiculous for 2 of us. We've actually managed to spend £50 this week and got everything we need for our meals, plus a few little treats for the OH
That's why I find planning meals helps because you only buy what you need and don't buy random food and then wonder what to cook with it.
I shall post some piccies later of dinner and tea (not to make you more jealous of course) x
Thanks I sure will enjoy it...it's what I look forward to all week I have got measurements too for syns for certain portion size so I am going to weigh it out tonight just out of curiosity to see it I generally have more or less than the amount for the syns
It is soooo hard going out for food when on this 'diet' as I am not good when things are put in front of me and when you see all the lovely stuff on the menu it takes a lot to choose something healthy...hope you manage to do it as would be ashame to undo all your hard work this week.
I can kinda sympathise with the bloating as (tmi alert) I rarely to go the toilet...it's generally once a week so I often feel bloated etc. My OH thinks I'm weird because he goes every day without fail haha x
I just couldn't resist the prawn toast but normally I would eat all 5 pieces as my OH doesn't like it...obviously not all at once but I would have eaten it cold later on in the night or even tonight so that's why I binned it straight away
I don't think for one minute that 1 piece of cake will damage what you have done so far this week.
I know I won't manage to stay under 70 with waiting till Tuesday evening to weigh but as long as I don't go too much over then I'll be happy with that. I've totted up my syns for the weekend as as long as I don't eat anything additional then that equates to about 15 syns. Weekends are my downfall....I can stick to the diet mid week but weekends are the test, as I'm sure is the same for most people. I am worse when my OH is at home but luckily he is working this week so as long as I have a decent brunch I will be fine.
I have a Yorkie dog who is 4 who stays with my mum as mum got too attached and said she wanted him to stay with her when I moved out, which I did as she works 3 on 3 off so he has someone at home more than he would if he was with me but I have got him staying over the night tomorrow and I plan to take him for a nice long walk on Saturday and Sunday so will be a nice bit of exercise for me this week x