Haven't been in here for a few days because i've been feeling great! Went to the nurse yesterday and my problems have all calmed down and was arranging to go back in about 4 or 5 weeks!
Then this morning BAM! I really do hate myself at the moment, more importantly OH we are having problems again! And i know i should do the right thing by all of us but i'm too weak and just can't! :-( I'm not strong enough to cope with the consequences - anyway enough woe is me
DD wrote me the most amazing little letter last night with stickers in palce of some words, she really put a lot of effort in, she also wrote me a gorgeous little poem and arranged them on my pillow for when i came to bed (she made OH one too and gave him those this morning - NOT that he's mentioned it to me - :-( )
On the positives i lost another 1lb this week, but was hoping for more lol! It's today that Me and ds areat the childrens centre, the 1st day of the course we are helping on and then it's his introduction to nursery tonight at 7pm - he's soooo excited! I'm totally not in the mood for meeting people, BUT i know it will do me alot of god.
And i've some old furniture being delivered today that i'm plannign to restore for myself and dd!