Hi, newbie here
I've given this question a lot of thought over the years, and although I do identify with just about everything everyone else has said I think I have actually hit upon the real, 'deep down' answer.
I have a very domineering mother, she tries to be controlling almost 100% of the time. When we were growing up - I have two sisters, I'm the middle child - she was incredibly critical and used to tell us she was ashamed and embarrassed of us. As we have become adults she just gives us 'the look' and we know that she either doesn't approve of our hair, our clothes, our make-up, etc, etc...
Up until the age of 20 I was painfully thin, food didn't really play a part in my life at all. Then I had children and all that changed.
I can remember one occasion when I had just started to gain a little weight she pointed to me in a photograph and said 'Oh look, there's old big bum'. I was a size 12 for heavens sake!
My mother is one of those people who admire extreme thinness. I think she would be happy if her children were anorexic.
Anyway, I could go on and on and on, but I will cut to the chase...
The reason I think that I can never stick to a diet is because
I don't want to please my mother. I don't want her to think I have lost weight because she disaproves of me being fat. I don't want her to tell me how lovely I look when I am slim, blah, blah...
Having said all that, it's my 25th anniversary next month and we are going to Vegas for an Elvis wedding renewal, and I'm desperate to lose a stone in a month so will be sticking to the Atkins and keeping my fingers crossed.