I'm overweight because.....

self denial , i thought i was happy and fine .. instead i realised i was unhappy n wasting my life
I can relate to that

SNAP. It's quite scary to realise you can kid yourself for years and years isn't it?
Then on LL we also have CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) where we delve into the psychological reasons we allowed ourselves to pile on all the weight.
It's like peeing off the layers of an onion.
Mind blowing and liberating.
Why did I put on lots of weight?
-Food was a show of love when I grew up
- I also have the will power of a spoon =)
- I love chocolate/cake/sweeties in general, but they make me very hungry, I forget I have eaten them and have them as well as main meals
- My mum equated fat with healthy (mum & dad were both very overweight all their lives), when ever I tried to lose weight mum would worry I was 'getting anorexic', even when I lose a pound now, I can hear her voice & I unconsciously worry it is harming my health!

I know I will always have to watch what I eat, hopefully weekly weigh ins here will help me keep a hold of things
I'm overweight because I had a mother with an eating disorder who had to control everything we ate, now I compensate for it by overeating in-case someone tries to almost starve me again :(.

And I can't leave the oreo's alone :D.
i can definiately relate.. after getting married// having children, i got comfortable and the weight gradually consumed me... if i got huge overnight, i wouldve donw somthing about it, but because it was ''only'' and inch here, and 'only' a few lbs there, i never faced up to what was actually going on.

This is me all over - I have jokingly called it reverse anorexia - you know how it is anorexics look in the mirror and see a fat person even though they are painfully thin.... I look in the mirror and see a thin person - even though I am clinically obese...

No more though - i am facing up to it now. I think it helps to write things down. Like my true weight, dress size and measurements etc.:cry:
had a baby 9 months ago .. piled on 5.5st throughout the pregnancy so trying to lose the last bit of it now! i feel fat now but have never been above a size 12 in my life (i actually remember thinking I need to go to the gym i look huge! i was a size 10 - oh it makes me laugh to look at myself now!!)
I have issues with food. Total comfort eater, over-eater, binge eater etc. The weight I have put on since successfully getting down to 9st on CD a few years ago I could blame on my ex. We were together for almost 4 years and one day I got a letter in the mail from him breaking up with me. So where some people say 'heartbreak is the best diet' this clearly wasn't the case for me. I lost all willpower and ate cream cake after cream cake, fast food aplenty and quickly piled on the lbs because he didn't want me any more so why bother?

I have a new boyfriend now who loves me and my curves but who also supports me when I say I want to lose weight. I did it before for my ex. This time; it is for me!
i was a portion eater comfort eater i turned to food when times was harsh, i needed a permanent solution to stop me doing this thats why i went for wls in the end as i needed physically stopped from the vicious cycle dieting can bring.
My reasons for getting fat:

- I was virtually housebound and food seemed the one friend I could rely on to make me feel better
- I'm addicted to chocolate. Love everything about it. Never get tired of eating it, so I ate it to dramatic excess
- I felt panicked if I didn't have a giant stash of secret chocolate in my bedroom to graze on around the clock in between meals
- Chocolate made me feel good - boosted my mood, then would come the inevitable lows, so I'd just reach for more

Basically, I ate over 15,000 calories a day including meals. The only wonder is that I didn't end up about 30 stone.

As for excuses, I don't think I ever had any excuses, I just didn't feel like I was worth the effort of losing the weight. Come to think of it, there -was- an excuse and it was usually: 'I'd still be hideous even if I lost weight, so I may as well have my chocolate and be big and repulsive.' Etc.

Kind of sad! Also, I would listen to people around me who fed me the old lies 'you're not big, you're tall,' or 'you have big bones,' or 'you carry your weight well.' Comforting and polite though those fibs were, they didn't really help. But at the end of the day, my weight gain was all my own silly fault due to fear and greed and avoidance.
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i am overweight because i am greedy and am addicted to junk food and fizzy drinks and don't know how to make myself like vegetables...also i have no willpower

i deserve to be shot
I think it was because I had such an unstable childhood and I learnt to eat whatever was in the house and as much as there was to survive. I remember having dry toast some nights and sometimes if I was lucky entire 10 packs of twixs. My mother through severe substance abuse went down to a very anorexic weight and living on shakes for a long time meaning that there wasn't much healthy food for me about either. My mother never taught me how to eat properly, slowly and enjoy my food, or even how to cook at all.

Now I'm trying to get back to normality, and I'm trying to teach myself how to cook but sometimes its just so hard.
No reason or excuse, I just loves to eat. I love takeouts and I love booze and am finding it so hard to give it up.
My problem is I love to cook and I love to eat. I work with food and have found that quite difficult not to 'taste' bits to see if they are good enough to be sold. lol No excuses really I know it's my own fault and I do tend to turn to food when I'm bored or upset. BUT no more of that from now on. I need to eat to live instead of live to eat!
I am overweight because I ate too much.
I was in a relationship which was more convenience than affection. We used to get maybe 3 takeaways a week, and neither of us cooked proper food the rest of the time, just freezer food and chips, like burgers n chips... We split up nearly 2 years ago, and I comfort ate through the bad breakup. Then at christmas 2007 decided to sort it out, cos there was no point in continuing to eat badly. Its only damaging me at the end of the day.

Lost near enough 4 stone, and hit a plateau of laziness and couldnt "find time" for the gym anymore, or be bothered to plan meals... I put on about a stone again.

Laziness is not so easy to overcome! But getting there.

AND chocolate biscuits. They keep me chunky haha
I'm overweight because I wanted to be. And yes, I think that's what it comes down to.

I have loads of self confidence issues, starting in middle school, so they're all I've known, but I'm trying to work hard to change the way I think about myself.

How messed up am I? I think I look quite plain. If I put on makeup (any more than my standard mascara-&-powder look) I think I look like a cheap whore. Yup. Can I somehow blame my parents for that one?!

Last week, for the first time in four years, I bought a skirt. This is life-changing people!!! I've come to realize that I actually have a problem with showing skin. I have a lot of social anxiety issues, and by being heavier and not showing skin I was hoping to be overlooked. I didn't want guys to want to be with me, and I certainly didn't want any girl to think that I l had something they didn't (well, except 3 stone;))

I don't like talking to strangers, and I find it difficult to approach people. Even now, I'm back home in canada for a month and I confided in one of my friends that I was reluctant to call anyone else in case they didn't want to get together and catch up (I've been away 2 years). I've gotten a lot better since I first left home though, one of my friends from scotland actually told me that he thought I was really approachable and easy to talk to!
i eat too much:eek:

fixing that now tho :)
..because I am still choosing to be overweight. Yes, after 30 years of living as an oveweight person I am self aware enough to know that I am still "choosing" this.

I'm still working on the issues though. As long as I do that I believe I will achieve my goals :D Giving up and giving in to the fat is not an option.