I'm overweight because.....

I've never really been one to make excuses. I'm where I am because I've been lazy and eating the wrong things in too high quantities for too long. Yes sometimes I've had the 'its not fair' thought but at the end of the day it's me that put that food into my mouth, it's me that swallowed that food, and it's me that has to pay the consequences.
I am overweight because:
I binged on poor foods
I drunk lots of alcohol
I drunk lots of fizzy drinks
I sat on my butt and watched tv
I was lazy
I wanted to hide under my layer of fat, so it would be my fat that turned people away not "me"
I was scared to try and then fail, I was also scared to succeed
I emotionally ate, to make myself feel better, to celebrate, if I was bored, because I could
I was to lazy to cook and got takeaways
I ate to much
I went for instant rewards instead of the working for the bigger picture

Simply I choose wrong and now I need to choose the right things
I normally go with, I eat **** and don't move enough. Quite honest, though people never know what to say to that lol They are awww yeah but eating healthy is hard etc etc. I know I have a bad relationship with food. I can loose weight, I don't find it that hard. What I do find hard is after I have lost it not eating all the things. Food is so tasty. I want to eat it ALL and I want it all NOW lol
im overweight because i didn't know my limits when it came to food, and i was in complete denial about how much i was eating x
I had a few. Lately the main one was 'I'm ok to have that now, and I'll start the diet tomorrow' - never happened, of course. Before that it was 'healthy food just doesn't taste as good. I've never heard someone say they could kill for a carrot...' And 'I'm happy the way I am', both of which were plainly untrue. Oh, i also used the 'I don't have time to exercise' excuse too.
I'm overweight because I eat too much.
'Ill start tomorrow'
'Its a special occasion' (Everyday apparently)

'I have been so good today'

My partners the worst, he will keep telling me i deserve it! Does not help! Should say no really
I'm overweight because:

- I didn't know what works for me.
- I was in denial.
- I made terrible choices.
- lack of discipline and self love.
- I ate rubbish.
Because of an abusive and traumatic childhood I made a conscious decision to never be small and vulnerable again. BUT I am now in a happy marriage with a very supportive husband who loves me for who I am . I don't need the protective layer of fat any more but years and years of bad eating has taken its toll and I am basically very greedy and I love food, I love the feeling of being full. Nevertheless, I am determined to overcome this and be healthy.
I had 7 kids in close succession and the last three were HUGE due to gestational diabetes and other issues... I felt so bad about my body after that I didn't have the motivation to do anything to improve it. I was also unable to move much due to problems with my hips that are ongoing so that limited me further (in my mind).

I also love my wine and my calorie rich foods! :p
I'm overweight because I reach for the junk and gratifying food when things are stressful or to cheer me up.
I'm over weight because I can ate too much! Never knew when to stop with the crisps and the chocolate biccies! Would demolish a multi pack in one sitting!

The thought of it now however makes me feel quite sick but yes I got no one to blame but myself for being fat as it were!
I like cheese too much...

I comfort eat in good times and bad

Missymelissy, this sounds just like me... And like Chocobo, I also keep on telling myself:

"I'll start tomorrow." (and pig out today)
"It's a special occasion." (and give myself a treat)
"I have been so good today." (and reward my efforts - with food!) :(
i always used to blame my thyroid! then i lost two and half stone and realised it doesnt STOP me losing weight, just makes it a smidge more difficult! but it is possible! Then i put the weight, and more, on and thats because ive totally relaxed my diet and ate what i shouldnt!

Betty x
...because I've made a lifetime of bad habits 'normal' and because I've never been willing to make the effort needed to lose weight and be healthy a habit and have thus 'given up' even if I've been doing well.