I'm overweight because.....

I'm lazy, like eating unhealthy stuff and carbs, hate exercise and am trying to keep my pnd under control on my own which tbh is exhausting.
I have really bad asthma. Used it as an excuse to not exercise and piled on weight due to steroid medication

asthma gets better with exercise and weight loss and medication can be reduced or changed easily to help out with this issue. Turned it all on its head. Woohoo :)
I eat the same food as my friends so and there skinny i don't get it. (I did eat the same food except i'd have two plates instead of one) haha
Because I used to make a excuses, it's totally mind over matter because now I'm healthy, eat right and regularly exercise.
i used to reward any efforts for anything with junk food
i used to (and still do) work in a fast food place
i used to live to eat rather than eat to live!
because I'll start dieting on Monday
& because I was an emotional / comfort eater
I comfort eat! Im addicted to some foods... My brother has drug addiction... My sister alcohol addiction I got food addiction! When I was little I wouldn't eat I was tiny I was always sick with tonsillitis so when they took them out and I could eat properly the weight piled on and I'll be honest my mum was a feeder I'd have my tea in work then come home to find another big tea waiting for me at 11pm
I eat when I am happy
I eat when I am sad
I eat when I am bored
We eat as a family - its one of the only things we do together
I eat the wrongs things
I eat too much of them

All these things have to change
All these things have started to change
Wallywithabrolly said:
I eat when I am happy
I eat when I am sad
I eat when I am bored
We eat as a family - its one of the only things we do together
I eat the wrongs things
I eat too much of them

All these things have to change
All these things have started to change

I eat to celebrate
I comfort eat
I love too much of the wrong foods
I eat my kids left overs
I hate exercise
I drink too much wine ( just like food to celebrate and for comfort)
I dont love or respect myself enough, but I am working on it
3 Years of addiction to a online game. Stupid I know. I left school aged 13 because I had a mixture of Anger/hypoactive problems and they couldn't handle me, I Eventually got a Facebook account and found an online game that I literally played 24/7 for 3 years straight. Eat, sleep, play, racking up sometimes 4000 calories a day without even moving from my chair and well, You know what happens when you do that, right? Yeah I packed on the pounds big time.
I have PCOS (yes it can cause weight gain but it's not all to blame)

I'm happy the way I am (total lie- I hate the way I am)

I'm from a food lovers family (true but moderation is everything and my siblings aren't fat!)

In honesty I never felt worthy of being happy about myself. My biological mother (who is v obese) told me when I was 10 that I should have been aborted, that nobody would love me, that she wished I had been stillborn and that i was fat. Cue bulimia. When your told things like this by the person who is meant to be your mum, who should love you unconditionally it stays with you for life. But I'm 26 now and she hasn't been part of my life for the past 16 years, my amazing stepmum has. I need to shake off these demons and take action.
-I have a naturally skinny brother so tried to keep pace with what he was eating
-I love food that is bad for you
-I always have been
-I was too scared to be skinny in case guys still didn't notice - and it still scares me a little
-I had always been the fat friend so it was never mentioned
My downfall is chocolate :( I'm big because I bake and eat it, because I love Starbucks hot chocolate and because I love brownies! If only it had the calorie content of lettuce and still tasted so good!
Ww is good though as I can have a Milky Way or kit Kat or a skinny hot chocolate and not feel guilty :)
Lazy - basically no point lying about it!
I am a massive comfort eater or I'm bored/like to socialise around food!

socialisong around food is a big thing for me buti hadnt realised until now really. when i arrange to meet friends now i have to try and make it a coffee instead of drinks/food. I have learnt i am snacker, i like to nibble food a lot. my first week has been a massive learning curve x
I'm "naturally" fat
I'm "curvy" - HA! I've big boobs, true (even when I was a size 10 I was wearing an FF cup) but back rolls and a big belly do not make for me being nice curvy now!!!
I suffer with depression and that's why I gained - prehaps a little at the beginning of my weight gain but after that I got used to having my own way with junk to make me happy.
I'm an emotional eater - true but so is tons of slim people. I just need to cop on!
The last stone and a half I blamed on my bf - he's a big eater and I get no judgement from him if I asked for a takeaway 3 nights in a row. Bollocks, loads of girls with fellas don't gain any weight! I've just let myself go.
I don't really have any excuses. I might blame my PCOS for my slow weight losses (if I have any) but there are many reasons why I'm fat but none of them are justifications if you know what I mean.