Well, guess what guys? I didn't lose even one ounce, never mind a pound!!! I was so disappointed.It's a good job I'm in this for the long haul, otherwise it might have been a chippy tea tonight, I'm so fed up! I've stuck to everything religiously so any ideas what might be going wrong would be greatly appreciated! Seven weeks now and I've only lost seven pounds. Yes , I know it's heading in the right direction but I've done SW twice before and lost virtually all of that in the first week.
We're going away in August for a week and, at this rate, whatever I eat while we're away will just put it all back on again, unless I have a significant weight loss before then, which is looking highly unlikely! Help, please!
I am very proud today as I finally got my Club 10!! And instead of celebrating with food (as I have done all my life!) I did it by booking an amazing holiday!!!Woo! Obviously can't do this every time I hit a milestone or I'll be skint by September haha! x
Woo well done miss nix! I got my club 10 tonight toowhere are you going? Imagine how good you will feel on holiday too!!
Oh you poor thing, it's so disheartening - are you doing a diary on here? It's been a godsend for me as people have been able to point out where I'm going wrong, as well as being my inbuilt control as I'm 100% honest on it so therefore have to write down everything that passes my lips, makes me think about the little licks of spoons, nibbling of crumbs etc which can add upx
Thanks for the suggestion, MissNix. I'm not doing a diary on here but I'm a member of SW on-line and do the daily diary on there and, like you, am totally honest. Don't know whether they check it but, probably not, so I think I will start one on here. Well done for reaching your Club 10 and I hope you have an amazing holiday. x
To celebrate my exam I had a pot of white crab meat and not a pot of ben n jerrys
Woo!! That is a big change! Well done (ps ben and jerrys is evil and you DON'T want it. It's not even nice lol. This is what I tell myself about my previous favourite fatty foods heh)
How have your exams went hun? What is it you're studying? sorry about the interrogation LOL!
I'm proud of myself today because... I'M FINALLY DRAGGING MY LAZY BUM BACK TO THE GYM!! (off it since May.oops.)