Imagine if i wasn't fat

Absolutely awesome previous post Kellie, truely mind inspiring.

Are you definately doing the travel? I really hope you are, I think for you to experience so many different places, adventures and self time can be a wonderful thing, and write of everything you do and see...

But only go if you can still post on our thread and this ;) for I hold you as a very good 'real virtual friend' and I dont want that to stop :D

Sunday mornings, my favourite! The papers, BBC radio 2 and i must go get a cuppa!

Yesterday, we gave the young people a task. They are involved with the local authority, and will be for 2 years. They were asked to write a letter to themselves in 2 years. They had a bout 20 minutes- some had written it within 10, some took longer. Some finished the day saying "I cannot wait to read that letter in 2 years". Folks, what would you tell future self?

Ahh thats really cool, bet the kids loved that, Did you get to see what they wrote, or was it a private thing for them?

I have no idea what I would write to me in 2 yrs to read?!?!?!? It would take longer than 20 mins though :D
An unexpected day off

So it has been decided. I am taking today off. What do I do now? See I don't want a day where I eat and eat and eat, so I need to have plan to enjoy today without leading me into the kitchen cupboards! Read the papers? A book? Watch a dvd? Take a walk in the snow- I do feel I should be moving in some way. Go to my favourite cafe for lunch? Pay my bills! Pick up a prescription- getting the little things done will increase my general happiness. hmm, what else?
What a lovely inspiring post Kellie xx And I also read that article by Sarra Manning, definitely a book I'll be ordering:D:D
Well another day. Last night I was at the doctor's and advised not to run last night (small procedure nothing serious), so instead I ate sweets adn choclolate. So yet again I wake up with teh aim of curbing all sugars and artificial food- I can eat what I want so long as its wholesome and healthy- its my way of trying to end my binge. Terrible.
Not a brilliant day, but definately feeling better, which is a start. I am getting somewhat back on track, but not completely there yet. I have more hope of getting there though.The luxury- every day can be a new start, actually any moment I chose.

I have the application for a visa to Canada... new beginnings fingers crossed, and if this fails a back up plan is in place. Time for an adventure!!
Exciiitttiinnggg :D

I was raised to see shortcuts as cheating. The idea being if you are going to do somehting do it right, do it fair. Tonight I went for a 5 miler with JK. My fitness is in the basement, and I fell behind. At the 2 mile mark, I decided to shortcut, and dropped about a mile off the run.

And I am delighted. Obviously I would have prefered to do my 5 miler in under 50 minutes again, but I can't yet. I will soon. Tonight I wanted to be out running on a beautiful evening, and I did. It was great to feel a little sun, although it was setting. Sometimes, we have to cut some slack, we have to make it a little easier; there's days to battle and there's days to realise, the little you can do is enough, and the slowest run is faster than sitting on the couch. This was not a bad run. It was a run.
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I love being 11'10 because I feel I can really push myself on runs, and feel athletic

My morning motivation ritual.
We handed over the cheque last night, had a cuppa and then went to the pub (I had coffee- its a school night!!) There's a bond between me and these people now, most of whom are strangers. These are the people who were beside me when my dream came true, and I, their's. There was a sense of, oh yes we did that, and that proud feeling in the pits of our tummies, we ran the NY marathon, and each at our own personal goal. It's odd how quickly all of us in our lives forget about climbing over our last challenge. Success absorbs into the past, and we get into the habit of routine life. We forget everyday how fabulous we are, be it losing a stone after 5 years, dealing with a dickhead of a boss, going to the gym once a week, minding your mother in law, surviving a toxic workplace, raising children to end up, you know, alive and healthy (my aim when babysitting is simply to hand them back in working order), coping with depression or cancer. We forget the battles we win. And it was a pleasure, last night, to relive it , my personal war, my personal glory.
YouTube - new york alicia keys

It's a day for motivation. I love this song because it takes me back to New York, and the weeks and weeks that proceeded it. I remember the busy streets and the empty bridges, the concrete jungle where my dream came true. It was the mountain top. How can life be impossible when you see the finish line ahead, and 10,000 people shouting you to cross it.

I have sex and the city on too. As I mentioned before no doubt, after being jilted at the alter (or library as was the case), that is when I started enjoying it. I think its because she had time out in mexico, and then sought to re-invent herself. There's something about that that pulls me in. It just feels what I need. Is this the luxury of too much time and money? I'm not sure but I know I need it.

As I said before, every moment is a new moment. But imagine starting again where nobody knew you. Would that in itself change you? Or are we of ourselves more than we are of others?
Enjoyed reading your story. Good luck and well done!!! : ) Mxxx
"why is it we are willing to write our own vows but not our own rules?"

Ok ladies, what's your own rules? Not the ones your mother passed to you through osmosis or those imposed by the circle you socialise BUT your own....

1.Be kind: I do not know what battle others are fighting today

2. Be happy: it is my decision, choose it

3. Enjoy food, life is too short (note binge eating is not enjoying food, in fact it is the opposite)

4. There is a power greater than me, embrace it (regardless of my feelings with my Church right now, I know I am a Catholic at heart)

5. Tidy every evening before bed. It allows a nicer awakening the next morning

6. Run

7. My family is my rock. Build on it. Even the extended branches

8. Exfoliate, moisturise, enjoy my body

9. Friendships are like flowers - they are beautiful but even the perennial kind need minding

10. Follow my dreams, literally. They are amazingly insightful

11. Love and it will be returned to you- work, friends, life, books, hobbies. Passion is the greatest gift we will ever have.

What should I add?
Black Hole

Sometimes we land so deep in a black hole, we can't remember how we got in there and that there is a way out. Such was me for the past 2 days, and only until I found the ladder out, was I able to see I was in the pit.

Why? Comic boy not only ignored VD but posted his singleness on facebook. I knew it hurt me, I didn't realise how much. And to convert my mental pain to physical pain I consumed about 5000 calories in 2 days. If not more (deadly serious). Talking to friends, we decided I should just ignore him. Note to self: If you do not speak up, it will eat you up, as you eat everything else up. Last night through Facebook I spoke up. Maybe not in the most assertive way but he knows he hurt me. I don't know what happens now, but I am happier that he knows and feels bad (maybe not mature of me either). And I like myself a little more too. It is amazing how much lighter I feel today (regardless of the physical weight).
Well done for speaking up hun, what a nobber!!!

onwards and upwards sweets, no black holes for you, your too special

A Little Bit of Heaven

My long birthday weekend begins here, well 3 hours ago. I went to see a Little Bit of heaven- Kate Hudson dies young. And I am utterly balling my eyes out. I love birthdays, not in a me me me way but because the opposite is damn scary. And my heart is breaking because I know, going travelling, I will leave so much behind. And I don't know if I will come back. I think of my little Goddaughter and my niece and my nephews. How can i not be cuddling them? And what if something happens when I am away- will I make it home in time? Will I have done my best regardless? I think on my parents growing older. On my young people working on, and growing up. And my sisters graduating- all 3 this summer. Tears are flowing freely, and yet I know that its the right thing.
I think going is such an amazing opportunity, one that cant be taken lightly nor can it be ignored.

To me it sounds like you know the pro's and con's of going and I think it will be so fab.

Go with the flow, and should anything ever come up where you need to come back and quick, consider a side fund for these moments, that way its always possible

minding the mental stuff

The Five Essential Elements of Wellbeing « Unwind Your Mind

As JK and I ran last night, we talked, as we often to about weightloss. JK is probably at a perfect weight but wants to be a few pounds lighter, but mainly firmer. Sometimes, running, for her, puts the scales up. And we both agreed, regardless of the scales, the mental health rewards are enough of a reason to go running. I found this link on my favourite website last night, and the 2 go hand in hand.

The theory is there are 5 sides to our mental health- social, career, financial, physical and community. Career, I believe is not about the good well-paid, high status job, but the daily act of soing something you enjoy be it gardening or CEOing. And while we can be great at some, with others we can be dreadful.
So where do I stand? I believe on career I am actually really strong- I know it seems like I am running away from it, but really I am seeing that it is not sustainable and going to see what else there is! The biggest adventure yet! Social, I can be poor at, and should make more of an effort to do things I enjoy with people- I am such a loner in some ways but I know I need to cultivate friendships. Saying that the familial and friendships I have are filled with love. Financial i am average, maybe slighty below, Community- hmmm, my work ties in a lot, but beyond that, no. And physical- well that is a rollercoaster. There's also a side that I think is missing, creativity/ intellectual stuff- reading, or writing, or drawing, or gardening, those things where we express ourselves. I'd add that in too. But overall, ATTITUDE plays a massive role. If you have a negative attitude, all of the above won't bring a smile to your face. A good attitude, though, can bring a smile in the hardest times.

Mental health, to me, is enjoying the small stuff. The nice dinner, the walk outside, the kindness of strangers. All of the above help to keep you balanced and stable, but it is your response to life, your mindfulness that can make the difference between OK and happy.