In need of a SW buddy!

Hey guys!
I'm new to minimins, a rejoiner of sw.
Long story short- joined originally in 2012, was there for 5 weeks didn't even make it to 7lbs! Constant loss then gain etc.
Then the dog nearly died and required a lot of love and someone home at all times so had to stop.
fast forward to this January (17th to be precise XD) I plucked the courage to go to a new group. Boy am I glad I did, I've experienced 2 consultants before and my current one is amazing and lovely!
the second weigh I managed to get my 7lb wooo. 3rd weigh only lost 1lb (mega hurt)
4th is in 5 hours and I'm not looking forward to it! Birthday was Monday-that was fine, stayed on plan 100% Tuesday and Wednesday? Oh boy... Tuesday I was only 5 syns over, no biggie, Wednesday - lol I had nachos, yellow bellies, harvo strawbs (giant) and a tango ice blast at the cinema. My god did I feel awful that evening.
I think it was because I tried to do sp on those days, and being veggie I just couldn't do it, rice and potatoes are my fillers!! (That and *week is due)
Thursday and yesterday was 100% back on it, it's weird in a good way cause I feel that I needed that one day.

But the consequences :'( dreading weigh in!
Hoping to find some friends on here ^_^
Welcome Eloira, dreading weigh in - yes I know that feeling but sounds like you are doing great despited a few challenges - just be kind to yourself! If you can keep it all together even with birthday celebrations and one day overeat is okay (good that you felt unhealthy, I do sometimes but wished I remembered that horrid feeling when I was doing the silly eat!). We just have to try to keep on keeping on whatever the 'excuse' we can find!

Sian glad to hear things are better, hopefully still are today! Things are okay for me, still writing it down and being 'true' to myself! I am lucky working in school means its half term for me and gosh I need some rest! :eek::)
Thank you :) I've had barely any sleep either 2.5 hours -_- now to try and stay for IT and be the happy - non moody self I am :O hahahha
I happily lost another 1.5lbs and *week began -_-. Onto the next week ^_^ xx

Well done you that's brill
Well I'm truly home alone as of today, I've not renewed my online subscription and have no access to the website or didlysquat!!
Been doing it long enough now, know the ropes and to be honest I only use my phone not a laptop anyway so never used it..
Hope everyone is doing well.
Hi there, know how you feel. Happy to keep you up to date with my story. I joined 29 dec just gone and 13lbs gone si hoping for my 1 stone award on Sat. BUT I am on antibiotics now until Fri with chest infection and on sick leave giving me loads of me time which is much time and so many temptations
Oh boy this week has been a total disaster! I'm a typical emotional eater! WI is on Saturday and I'm hoping for at least half a lb (that's how bad it's been!!) Lol, fingers crossed!
Hi there, know how you feel. Happy to keep you up to date with my story. I joined 29 dec just gone and 13lbs gone si hoping for my 1 stone award on Sat. BUT I am on antibiotics now until Fri with chest infection and on sick leave giving me loads of me time which is much time and so many temptations

Hope your feeling better. Good luck for Saturday hope you get the stone award know what you mean bout temptations when your out of routine. X
Oh boy this week has been a total disaster! I'm a typical emotional eater! WI is on Saturday and I'm hoping for at least half a lb (that's how bad it's been!!) Lol, fingers crossed!

Bless ya know the feeling Ive had crap week too really struggling to stay on plan. Good luck for Saturday it may not be as bad as you think but just draw line under it and start again, that's what I keep telling myself x
Bless ya know the feeling Ive had crap week too really struggling to stay on plan. Good luck for Saturday it may not be as bad as you think but just draw line under it and start again, that's what I keep telling myself x

Thanks !! I sat down and sorted my thinking strategy! I made syn bags up (syns in a bag for the day and snacks - fruit etc)
So far so good! Might not be able to fix the problem before tomorrow but I can fix it for next Saturday hehe :D
Thanks !! I sat down and sorted my thinking strategy! I made syn bags up (syns in a bag for the day and snacks - fruit etc)
So far so good! Might not be able to fix the problem before tomorrow but I can fix it for next Saturday hehe :D

That's the spirit