In Search Of My Ankles

:help2:Today was hard. Today was REAL hard. TOTM + LT = my idea of hell. If by some miracle I can make it through today without binging I will know that I can do pretty much anything- sky dive, mountain climb, deep sea dive --you name it! This is MUCH more of a challenge than any of that! Oh please God let my husband get home soon so I can crawl into the bed and pull the covers over my head. Day 9 is so much harder than day 1 and I know it has everything to do with these bloody hormones! Grrrrr!!!!
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
The way LT works so well is that you realize you NEVER want to put yourself through this diet ever again!:cry:
:help2:Today was hard. Today was REAL hard. TOTM + LT = my idea of hell. If by some miracle I can make it through today without binging I will know that I can do pretty much anything- sky dive, mountain climb, deep sea dive --you name it! This is MUCH more of a challenge than any of that! Oh please God let my husband get home soon so I can crawl into the bed and pull the covers over my head. Day 9 is so much harder than day 1 and I know it has everything to do with these bloody hormones! Grrrrr!!!!
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
The way LT works so well is that you realize you NEVER want to put yourself through this diet ever again!:cry:

I get exactly the same hun!!! We can get through chick!!! Hang on in there!!! X
Ok, so where do I book sky diving lessons? :) I somehow got through yesterday, ignoring that little voice telling me 101 different ways to justify eating ust a hard boiled egg. The voice promising me (once again) that I'll stick to healthy eating and avoid all sugar, carbs, etc...just go back to food. I even dreamed about it - all the different ways to justify going back to food. It was torture! But I made it to the other side and today was much easier.

First thing this morning I got the heck out of the house- went to Ikea - a bit hard, when the family went and had lunch in the cafe -I walked around and shopped. After we got home just the dog and I went for a walk. It was nice, I usually have kids in tow - I actually got a bit of peace and quiet and exercise to boot! I'm feeling tired and a bit weak, but luckily hubby said he'd take over with dinner duty tonight so that if things get too hard again, I can disappear in my room. I find if I can just get off of the main floor the temptation isn't as strong. It still blows my mind how food has become an addiction for me...but there's no doubt about it, I have a serious problem controling myself around it. I have a feeling it will always be the case, but over time, learning to ignore "the voice" coaxing me to have just one more or take the big slice - I hope to shut that voice up for good! Or at least be stronger than it and not let it control me anymore.

Surely I sound completely insane - voices in my head and all- but surely you too have heard "the voice" least I hope you have and in fact I'm not crazy! LOL

Day 10 and I'm still hanging on - by a thread at times, but so far so good!!! I never would've thought I could make it this far, I look forward to day 30 and thinking the same...way to go me! :)
Hang in there my lovely; it will get easier!

The rain has finally stopped so I should be outside with a paintbrush in hand finishing the fence while there is a break in the clouds. Instead, I have 2 (+2 more kids this afternoon) around my ankles today since there's no school today. The two kids I'm minding are real couch potatoes and it's impossible to get them motivated to do anything outdoors so I had better get my two out and active before the others arrive. It's so sad when you can see a child with a weight problem at the age of 6! Ignoring the problem, his mother still cooks with loads of butter, full fat milk, serves adult size portions and has cakes and sweets at the ready 24/7. And the X box/ Nintendo XL game things don't do a darn thing for him either. He's such a sweet boy but I know exactly what he is going to go through as he grows. I don't know how to talk with his mother without offending her - and truthfully, how she feeds her family is NONE of my business...and I've done all the "when I was growing up I wish my Mom would have..." stories with the hopes of the lightbulb going on for her on it's own.

I know they dread staying with me because I only have healthy snacks - which thankfully, my kids love - but I'm definitely not winning any points with them...oh well. I just don't have the heart to contribute to their obesity. 6 years old and needs to wear a size 10 trouser and have them just breaks my freakin' heart, so it does. I was the fat girl in chorus who needed to have her skirt made because they didn't sell them in my size....I know I'm projecting my past on this little guy - maybe it doesn't bother him at all...but oh GOD, I would never want any other child to go through what I did as a kid!!!

Diet wise, staying 100% TFR...not so much as a licked finger or crumb has crossed my lips...I am SO much stronger than I ever imagined! Way to go me!
My friend dropped her kids off with a dozen gorgeous frosted buns...I guess the kids complained enough that all I had was fruit, rice cakes and plain popcorn....needless to say, when they left, she took her buns with her... I'm good, but I'm not THAT good. No way they would've survived an evening in my kitchen!

Used ultimate self control this afternoon, so I did....way to go me! (*pats self on back*)
Why should you have to come off your regime to please others??? Isn't that how we've all gotten to this point in our lives that were using lipotrim?

If your hosting the meeting then you can do what you like....use the attitude its my party and I'll do what I bloody want to!

Dee's right its not worth 1 night which will then take 3/4 days to put right again :( you've done so well so far, if they are "true" friends then they will see that your happy with this diet and support you fully.

Keep up the good work honey x x x
Day 13 and going strong...with a head-cold anyway. Was dying for nightnurse at about 2 am but instead, suffered through it, emptying out my box of tissues and later having to resort to using t.p. I can't help but wonder if this is a result from all the shakes I have been drinking. I've never been one to consume so much dairy...for this very reason! If I were to have just one glass of milk with a meal I would be all stuffed up and sneezey for a good 2 days after. Oh I pray this passes and doesn't become life as I know it until I reach my goal. The thought of living on chicken soup for the next few months leaves me feeling a bit green. I have to admit, this was my biggest fear when starting LT...oh please let this just be a head-cold!!!:sick:
Day 13 and going strong...with a head-cold anyway. Was dying for nightnurse at about 2 am but instead, suffered through it, emptying out my box of tissues and later having to resort to using t.p. I can't help but wonder if this is a result from all the shakes I have been drinking. I've never been one to consume so much dairy...for this very reason! If I were to have just one glass of milk with a meal I would be all stuffed up and sneezey for a good 2 days after. Oh I pray this passes and doesn't become life as I know it until I reach my goal. The thought of living on chicken soup for the next few months leaves me feeling a bit green. I have to admit, this was my biggest fear when starting LT...oh please let this just be a head-cold!!!:sick:

Oh hunni! <big hugs> Stay strong and think positive! It's a's a's a cold......
Ah sure....if nightnurse and tyrozets breaks my ketosis, so be it...I finally got a decent night of sleep and it doesn't feel like I'm swollowing razor blades today. Still 100% otherwise and with the amount of extra herbal tea I am drinking I'm not worried about making my 2-3 litres. Fingers crossed this doesn't completely ruin my loss for the week! I weigh in tomorrow and I'm really excited/ nervous. I'm noticing this week my bras are getting loose and baggy so surely I'll show some kind of loss. I'm half tempted to go down and get a scale this weekend...but I might obsess with daily numbers. Opinions from others would help with this regard...Do you find having a scale in the house helps or hurts?
Ah sure....if nightnurse and tyrozets breaks my ketosis, so be it...I finally got a decent night of sleep and it doesn't feel like I'm swollowing razor blades today. Still 100% otherwise and with the amount of extra herbal tea I am drinking I'm not worried about making my 2-3 litres. Fingers crossed this doesn't completely ruin my loss for the week! I weigh in tomorrow and I'm really excited/ nervous. I'm noticing this week my bras are getting loose and baggy so surely I'll show some kind of loss. I'm half tempted to go down and get a scale this weekend...but I might obsess with daily numbers. Opinions from others would help with this regard...Do you find having a scale in the house helps or hurts?
I'm a daily weigher!!! But you have to get used to the fact that your weight fluctuates daily/hourly lol.... so some days it will show you've put on weight!!! Its just a habit i have and as long as its gone down on my official weigh day thats all i bother about!!! I find its a good motivator at the weekend when i want to cheat lol.... To see it go down!!! X
Hi hun, glad you feeling better today. Regarding the scales... don`t bother I personally feel that they can make you obsess... plus its a lovely little surprise at weigh in day then. Up to you hunni really, but thats my opinion anyway. I`m on mine every morning 1st thing and tbh, it can be rather discouraging sometimes if your not seeing the loss you want straight away!! Hope you continue to pick up! Lou xx:)
I am totally obsessed lol... i make myself laugh with it!!! I weigh at night sometimes!!! Knowing i'll weigh more!!!

*Crazy woman*
Ah sure....if nightnurse and tyrozets breaks my ketosis, so be it...I finally got a decent night of sleep and it doesn't feel like I'm swollowing razor blades today. Still 100% otherwise and with the amount of extra herbal tea I am drinking I'm not worried about making my 2-3 litres. Fingers crossed this doesn't completely ruin my loss for the week! I weigh in tomorrow and I'm really excited/ nervous. I'm noticing this week my bras are getting loose and baggy so surely I'll show some kind of loss. I'm half tempted to go down and get a scale this weekend...but I might obsess with daily numbers. Opinions from others would help with this regard...Do you find having a scale in the house helps or hurts?

I'm on my scales every day without fail and I find it helps keep me motivated :). As Deezer says, you do have to allow for daily fluctuations but the benefit of TFR is that if I DO see an increase I KNOW it's just a fluctuation because there's NO WAY I can have gained any blubber! When I was calorie counting a gain would make me feel guilty about any little treat I'd allowed myself and send me into the "oh-this-is-hopeless-I-might-as-well-have-a-BIG-treat" spiral! Personally I'd rather have a good idea what's going to be revealed at the weigh-in.....I don't want any surprises and sometimes there's just no obvious reason why weight-loss slows down. I'm still 100% but have been hovering around the same weight for 3 days so I know that there won't be quite such a big drop when I weigh-in today and I'm fine with it!

Glad you got a good night's sleep.. Hope you get well soon xx
Despite being that TOTM and breaking ketosis with my nightnurse cold medicine I still managed to reach -5 this week! I'm thrilled! I have to say, earlier in the week I did a good bit of walking, knowing I felt a cold coming on so maybe that helped to keep a decent loss this week?

This morning I got my week of powder mixes and thought - why not just try a couple of the bars..just for a change. And, truth be known, I kinda miss chewing...but I don't miss it THAT much - yuck! I tried the coconut one this morning for breakfast...vile is the only thing that comes to mind. I somehow choked it down (with large gulps of peppermint tea to help push it down)...I pray the peanut one isn't as bad, but I do not have my hopes up. I have a feeling I'll be sticking to the drinks from here on out.

My tracker sheet said today is day 17...I can hardly believe I'm that far into it. It seems like only yesterday I was starting out...thank GOD it does get easier the longer you're on it. Way to go me! :)