:help2:Today was hard. Today was REAL hard. TOTM + LT = my idea of hell. If by some miracle I can make it through today without binging I will know that I can do pretty much anything- sky dive, mountain climb, deep sea dive --you name it! This is MUCH more of a challenge than any of that! Oh please God let my husband get home soon so I can crawl into the bed and pull the covers over my head. Day 9 is so much harder than day 1 and I know it has everything to do with these bloody hormones! Grrrrr!!!!
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
The way LT works so well is that you realize you NEVER want to put yourself through this diet ever again!:cry:
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
I will not get fat ever again.
The way LT works so well is that you realize you NEVER want to put yourself through this diet ever again!:cry: