inch by inch

Oops, forgot to check in yesterday but it was a pretty standard day. Bar a routine hospital visit so was today - I was a little bit tempted by the coffee shop but had to get back to the car so was saved!

1359 calories today. Tomorrow I will also be on plan, then the rest of the week is pretty much a write off, as detailed previously. celebrations wed and thurs, funeral friday, going to be too tired and wrecked saturday to bother being on plan i think. So it will probably be weds - sunday off plan. Not going to go overboard but just not going to think about counting anything.

And next week nose to the grindstone again.

I am slightly annoyed that I've lost weight before Wednesday and my period has just started so I'll be bloated anyway. Ah well.
Hello hello, not sure if anyone missed me but checking in anyway...

Weird, sad weekend with a family funeral. Funny how many people I only see when someone dies.

Back on the wagon as of this morning with 2 shakes, a bar, steak and salad and a snack of 2 quorn Frankfurters to get me to 1500 cals today.
I missed you!
Sorry to hear about the funeral.
Well done getting back in the wagon. Sounds like a good day?
It's been fine, yup! It's good to know its relatively easy to get back on track (I say hopefully).

Got a BBQ salmon fillet to have tomorrow which will be nice I hope, having courgette with it.
Morning all. It's quiet here lately. Then again minis is much quieter in general than I remember it being years ago - unless you're doing SW! It's a shame, but I don't know anywhere busier.

Had bad insomnia last night which was a pain. Feeling quite good this morning though except someone has just started using power tools next door. God I hope they don't keep this noise up.

Morning - just found your very interesting diary.
I am a minimins returnee having gained a stone in the last few weeks and only found it last week whilst doing a google search for something else. It was such a shame when it closed and I lost contact with lots of people who I exchanged great conversations and laughs with but they have obviously not found it again. When I started on here I was doing SW but gained weight with all the free food, as a veggie I was told I could eat as much free food as I wanted but chickpeas and lentils are high calorie and I was eating bowls of them. SW really do have the most powerful hold on the slimming industry - I went to 2 meets and really hated them.
At the moment I am reading Patrick Holdford's GL diet bible combing it with Calorie Counting - know I should not but using it for guidance until I have finished reading and digesting the information.
Looking forward to reading you updates.

Yes, the thing that worries me about slimming world is that i could happily live off potato if it was free! I also disagree with their fat-negative stance because it's not possible to adjust their system to allow for a good intake of healthy fats. Though I would be lying if I didn't say I'm tempted to try it again sometime. For the people it works for it works really well.

For me, I'm doing calorie counting for now and having said it was super easy to get back on, I have been over my calories for the last couple of days. It's not so much that I'm permanently hungry, I just permanently want to eat. Stress/depression may have something to do with it. Anyway I'm haven't gone wild I'm just not as on plan as I want to be so having a little think about things. I may raise my carb level a bit to see if having some more starch and fibre based foods help fill me up without taking my calories too high.

Hope everyone's well x
When I did SW I met a woman on here who was doing it who was so successful with it and she was veggie same as me. She won all the Monthly awards along with the Yearly Miss Slinky titles etc and is now a SW leader.
Since reading the Patrick Holford GL book I have stopped all the low fat nonsense and keeping away from added sugars and my food is tastier. Cut down on my pasta, rice and especially bread intake as I think that is where my gain came from along with too much wine. Seems to be working as I am not bloating and stomach rumbling has become less, still eating them but not like I was.
The inability to incorporate healthy fats in SW bothered me as well. I felt like I ate a lot more processed food on it, even though I was supposed to be filling up with fruit and veg.

Hope all is well with you, Amneris! xx