I hope the Ben & jerrys was enjoyed!
Loved it but not as much as I thought & sooo not worth the guilt!!
Trip sounds good! I have been to Alton towers once but queued for hours!
Hoping be relatively quiet but we're going for the extra day for an extra £7.50 so even with queue time we should get on everything a few times!
I would wait to get an outfit too, but don't leave it too late coz you could guarantee you won't find anything you like if left til last minute!
Its so tricky as not sure what size / shape I want or need
That hotel chocolat looks lush, anything that good would not be able to be saved with me though
Am quite proud as none eaten so far, and I have two big bars from there from week before last and 10+ assorted Easter treats (creme / caramel / lindor eggs & malteaser bunnies) still in my fridge. So have some control?!