So if the minimum points anyone will ever be on is 29, and I'm currently on 32, how do we lose more weight when it gets difficult? I'm confused, yet managed to lose 16 and half pound in my first week!
I'm dieting alone because I can't get out.
It's going to make dieting when you get closer to goal easier rather than difficult.
Vintage points was based on an old belief that the more you weight the more you need to eat. This was the avant-guarde of the nutrition science 15 years ago.
In 15 years science has moved forward and realised that it's not just what you weight but also the way that your body is composed, how old you are and things like that that influence your metabolism, as well as the way that your body burns food and how much of the calories you eat are left after digestion.
The new propoints system is based on these new discoveries, especially related around how much of the calories in food are left after you finish digestion and things like the GI index and insuline levels in your blood that ensure you feel fuller for longer.
Any dietologist or nutritionist nowadays will tell you that even if you're close to goal you still need to eat a minimum of 1300/1500 calories a day if you want to lose weight but not compromise your metabolism. The new propoints gives a pp value of 29 as a minimum which corresponds to roughly 1300/1500 calories a day depending on how much fruit and veg you eat and how much filling food and proteins you eat.
The old ww was allowing you to have 14p per day as a minimum and when you were thinking at what that meant, considering that 1p was normally between 40 to 69 calories depending on saturated fat, you could be having between 560 and 966 kcal per day if you were having only 14p to save points for the week end. Obviously the vegetables would have gone for free, which meant that you could have added another 200/300 calories of vegetables to that count. But even considered 300 kcal more than the minimum (866 rather than 566), that was less than the minimum recommended as healthy guidelines of 1200 kcal a day and was dangerously close to starvation. Getting to 1200 cal per day by just adding veggies was really having a bit too many vegetables! Of course people would be losing weight, but in a dangerous way that could compromise their metabolism on the long term.
This is why methods like the Wendy plan worked wonders, because they forced people to have different calories every day and especially one day a week when they could top up their metabolism and recover from the starvation mode.
Besides, people were taking advantage of the system using sometimes the points only for naughty stuff and filling themselves up with 0 points soups and vegetables in between (e.g. have 14 points of chocolates and sweets and eat only 0 points veggies to fill up... still following the plan, but was that good for your health?) The new plan discourages this as well giving you the option of free fruit rather than a chocolate bar. Or maybe better, it gives you the slush fund you can use for naughty things so that you can have the healthy guidelines without feeling that you're depriving yourself. I too, when using the old system, often preferred not to have oil for example to save on points, when oil is essential to not feel bloated and constipated. Now I don't have any more problems.
is it any clearer?