Ireland- bia- a bit of craic!

Sounds like you have a busy week ahead Orla. Four sisters I'd say there is some craic when you all get together.

That's a pity your consultant is dropping her group. I know from your previous posts how close you were to her and liked going to her group. What about the other group she does is there a possibility you could go to it? Have you met the new consultant yet or know anything about her?

I hope you get on well at the hospital. You have a lot going on make sure and take time for yourself and be kind to yourself (((hugs))) :)
NewMe, they are not my sisters but my friends four daughters (sorry I didnt explain that properly), I have only one sister but I do have four brothers !

To be totally honest, I took my consultant leaving very badly and still now even thinking about it, I get really upset. Miss_Taken, I thought exactly what you said there about what really it is like for them to try and fill big boots because Pauline is fantastic and I have been told she is one of the best so I'm expecting to be helping out Sinead in every way I can and giving her tips that I would have seen Pauline do. When Pauline announced that she was leaving, after the class they all came up to me and asked me was I leaving, it was like Pauline and I were a team and that was the way they saw me and I reassured them that I was staying, you could see them relax in front of you. Sinead is just lovely and we get on really well but I'm thinking if ever a time comes and she gets more members to cover the social team then I may move over to Pauline's class on a Wednesday. The same day it was announced that Pauline was leaving, people confided in me that they were going to go with her and leave our class, I had to tell Pauline this because I didnt want Sinead losing half her members before she even started.

I'm going to try and relax and not think about my Mam's appointment, I have sleep apnoea and the mere thoughts of it and I would often get little apnoea attacks but I'm in the belief now that ignorance is bliss and wait until Wednesday to hear the news
Morning all, well I had my alarm set to get out for a run this morning but it's bucketing down here so I'll head for the gym later, really hoping to get to target by end off this month or before it! Here's to a good w/end everyone
Hi All,
SO I missed weigh in this because I started a new job Monday and was all up the air and had nothing ready.(only found out Friday)
There is a canteen in work and so far i have managed to make the best choices out of what is available, half portion of lasagne and 2/3 plate salad etc. Snacking on fruit at break times etc. But I hope this week I will be more organised, bring my own food etc.

As for white sauce/chesse sauce, I found the packets great and low syn..
Had a pound off tonight despite a mega off plan weekend. Surprisingly tho, I craved healthy food even while away, but just couldn't because I was staying with one friend, while over to visit with another for her 30th and planned to hang out with yet another since it was her 29th birthday too...I was there for less than 48 hours so I really didn't have time to be picky with food and a lot of it was social situations where I didn't really have control of my choices.
Back on the bandwagon last night as soon as I got home and got most of my meals sorted out for the week so should be a good one. I need another half pound for my award, but I'm hoping to get a good head start on the one after that too so hoping for 3 lb next week. I would love to be getting on for a stone and a half off by my own 30th at the end of September
Hi everyone, havent been able to update you all on this week, I was down 1.5Ibs on Tuesday and delighted with that, it is all going in the right direction.

On the other hand, we got bad news yesterday about my mam, sadly she has liver cancer but they may be able to treat it. It is a major shock and her weight is not helping the situation at all so she has agreed to join slimming world with me and hopefully it may help her with her options. She got three options, one was for chemo but the oncologist said with her previous surgeries this wasnt a good option, secondly to do nothing at all and thirdly to burn the cancer, this seems the best option but there may be risks and the weight may effect her liver so the radiologist may say not to proceed with the third option and yes it is a major shock and probably hasnt sunk in yet
Orla, that's awful! Thoughts are with you and your mum. Glad they are talking about the possible treatments tho, at least there are options and that your mum is giving SW a go. Healthy diet can make a big difference. My grandad came through radiotherapy for a tumour in his neck last year and while the treatment is awful and leaves them so weak, sore and sick, and he's still not completely healed from the burns, he has come through it and it seems to have worked. Keep her positive, it'll make a huge difference. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. You can't take the best care of your mum if you are in pieces yourself. Xxx
Miss_Taken, you seem to know me very well because to be honest I'm in bits but even though he said liver cancer yesterday I had one tear and quickly wiped it away before my mum saw it (my sister saw it though) and then stayed quiet for the rest of the appointment (not very helpful when needed).

It is amazing when faced with this kind of news how you get strength from the few positives we were given so at least we werent told this is the end of the road. My sister said to me though that they may not proceed to burn the cancer out as it may have an effect on the liver (not sure what this means) and it has to do with the fat in the liver, this is why she is joining slimming world and if they dont burn it then she has two options, one is chemo (not recommended by oncologist) and the other is doing nothing and hope it doesnt grow, as you can imagine this news I dont want to hear. There is one other thing they said, the cancer may be in the rectum but the only way of finding out is by doing a biopsy and with her previous procedures for cancer they dont want to do that so they are doing nothing and hoping there is no cancer there
Hi everyone, havent been able to update you all on this week, I was down 1.5Ibs on Tuesday and delighted with that, it is all going in the right direction.

On the other hand, we got bad news yesterday about my mam, sadly she has liver cancer but they may be able to treat it. It is a major shock and her weight is not helping the situation at all so she has agreed to join slimming world with me and hopefully it may help her with her options. She got three options, one was for chemo but the oncologist said with her previous surgeries this wasnt a good option, secondly to do nothing at all and thirdly to burn the cancer, this seems the best option but there may be risks and the weight may effect her liver so the radiologist may say not to proceed with the third option and yes it is a major shock and probably hasnt sunk in yet

Sorry to hear that Orla. Sending strength and good wishes your way xxx
I'm just putting myself in your situation. Obviously I can't imagine how you feel but it was advice I was given by a friend's psychologist when I was feeling pretty burned out looking after her and felt really selfish for taking time out when she needed me most. It always stuck with me and it's true.
The liver is pretty much the hardest working organ in the body so it's possible they don't want to damage it as it is responsible for so much. On the other hand, it's fantastic at repairing itself. I'm not a medical professional but it might be why they are being cautious. I hope everything works out for you and your mum comes through whatever her treatment xxx

Get below 300lb - DONE
Get Club10 -DONE
Lose 2st to get into the teens -DONE
Lose 3st -DONE
Lose 4st -DONE
Lose 5st -DONE
Get Club25/Lose 5.5st -
Get into Obese Class 1 -
Lose 6st -
Get Club30 -
Get into Overweight BMI category -
Get Club40 -
Get into Normal BMI category-
Thanks Vavaness, it is very much appreciated, it is at times like this you get that extra bit of strength when needed and what I keep saying to myself (otherwise I would go mad with what if's ...) she has options

Miss_Taken, that was the general perception I got from listening to Mam's oncologist, at the moment I'm hoping they can burn it and not damage the liver, will deal with the consequences if they arise

Thank you so much and I'm telling a lot more on here than I am to people facing me, I think saying it online you can go a bit deeper
So sorry to hear that news Orla that is just terrible. Thinking of you both today. Make sure and mind yourself. It is so hard I know you just don't know how to be feeling etc. (((hugs))) xxx ps congrats on the 1.5lb loss. That is fantastic. I know SW is probably the last thing on your mind right now.
Thanks for the posts ladies

NewMe I have to say sw is the one thing keeping me going, I cant control my mums cancer but I can control my weight and it is the one thing that puts a smile on my face.

runmammyrun, I'm planning on taking a day or two this month and go away with my mum to Salthill as she just loves there and see if my sister can come too
Thanks Peachdream, it is very much appreciated
Just found out from my new consultant that I'm one of the nominees for Woman of the Year, not sure how that works but have been told that I have to have a speech for 2-3 minutes and a before photo as well

Anyone know how it works after that
Just found out from my new consultant that I'm one of the nominees for Woman of the Year, not sure how that works but have been told that I have to have a speech for 2-3 minutes and a before photo as well

Anyone know how it works after that

Oh Orla, well done! How lovely to be nominated - I hope you win it! :fingerscrossed: Ooooh, a speech and before pic! :party0048:
Our consultant is away on holidays so we haven't heard a thing about it yet.
Can't wait to hear how you get on xxx
Well done Orla. I haven't heard much about it in my group she just said nominations would be soon. I've no idea how it works but how exciting for you :)