Ireland- bia- a bit of craic!

Totally agree on giving up the treat day in my case. I weigh on friday morning and found I was eating my highly sugared, fattening homemade baking all friday that would overflow into Saturday. I think this has made my weight loss slow down and this week was the first week since going I put on 1lb.

I spoke with my leader last week about setting my target. I was hoping for 11 st 10 but she said she wants me to get to 11 stone. That is another 18lbs. I was so disheartened that this seemed like so much that I ate all weekend.

But today I am going to return to basics re-read the books and write everything down.

Orla, I think we are at the same point. As we are approaching target it seems to be harder to stay motivated to lose it even though we still want it so much :)
Redsters Baby, don't let your consultant pressure you into a lower target than you want, that's half the draw of sw, that they will not tell you what weight you should be. If 11st 10lb is your target, stick to your guns x

Get below 300lb - DONE
Get Club10 -DONE
Lose 2st to get into the teens -DONE
Lose 3st -DONE
Lose 4st -DONE
Lose 5st -DONE
Get Club25/Lose 5.5st - DONE
Get into Obese Class 1 - DONE
Lose 6st - DONE
Get Club30 -
Get into Overweight BMI category -
Get Club40 -
Get into Normal BMI category-
Hi everyone just catching up with the thread, have been away on holidays for two weeks now and dreading the thoughts of WI! Fingers crossed not to much damage and hopefully pull back in a few weeks. I was so close to target before hand! Anyone use success express and find it any good? How is everyone else getting on?
Redsters, I totally agree with what Miss_Taken says, you decide your target nobody else and I'm looking at what your starting weight was and what you are now, one tip put up the half century on your avatar and remember how far you have come, that is so important and anyone who gave me advice both her and at group say look what you have lost and you no longer have to lose that ever again. I gave up the treat last Tuesday even though it was pure torture but I had to see if this is what is slowing my weight loss down and tomorrow will tell me yes or no. I can understand the frustration too as we both come so close to target and I think that is due to the fact that our losses have slowed down (that is the case for me anyway). Tomorrow I'm seriously thinking of bringing in my dinner and having it after weigh in because I want to stick to no treat if that is what is slowing things down.

runmammyrun, hope you had a lovely holiday and dont worry you will click back into place straight away. To be honest, I did say to my former consultant that I was thinking of doing success express and she said you really have to be ready for that, it is a tough week but it usually does have great losses if you stick to it and remember for your syns, you have to take the highest value for the three plans so that deterred me, why not just get the soup ready, stock up on melon and strawberries and have a week where you stick to syns, you will find that better and much easier to do
Woke up this morning with a bad headcold so not sure if this is going to affect my weigh in this evening anyway on a plus I measured my stomach and chest and both are down 1" since last week so that is looking good

Fingers and toes crossed for today
Good luck today Orla, I hope the changes that you made paid off for you. I know bringing lunch made a huge difference for me and sticking to the syns on weigh in day really kept me focused. Good luck, all is crossed for you

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Don't worry vavaness I'm sure you will have lost most, if not all of what you gained last week. There is just something about alcohol that makes the numbers on the scales rocket up!

That's great news Orla on your inch loss. I really need to take some new photos and do my measurements again soon. Good luck for weigh in tonight :)
Thanks Triple B and NewMe, I hope so but I dont weigh on my own scales anymore so this time of the week is pure torture because I really dont have a clue
Don't worry vavaness I'm sure you will have lost most, if not all of what you gained last week. There is just something about alcohol that makes the numbers on the scales rocket up!

Thanks NewMe xxx
God, I hope you're right :) I should really fire out my scales at home, it puts me in bad humour! I put it up on top of the wardrobe the other day in an effort to keep off it. But sure the minute I got up the next morning I hauled it out again, lol! :)
I wont deny Vavaness that it was very difficult to do the first week but this week I found it easier, it is definitely worth a try
Not weighing on your scales will really really help, I know how much torture you feel, my hubby has hidden mine for the umpteenth time and he has swore blind I am never getting it back. I've done better since its gone away. Get someone else to hide it for you so you cant get at it, the first couple of weeks are torture but you will get past that!!
Good luck to all of you weighing in tonight xx
Hey , how is everyone ? i've not posted here in a while , getting back into routine proved harder than i thought but i'm BAAAAAAAACK lol
Thanks NewMe xxx
God, I hope you're right :) I should really fire out my scales at home, it puts me in bad humour! I put it up on top of the wardrobe the other day in an effort to keep off it. But sure the minute I got up the next morning I hauled it out again, lol! :)

Sending lots of posistive vibes your way hun :vibes::vibes::vibes:

Hey , how is everyone ? i've not posted here in a while , getting back into routine proved harder than i thought but i'm BAAAAAAAACK lol

welcome back hun :) :)
Welcome back I82much, I had missed you on here. It can be difficult to come back but once your here and all the help and support you get from here in no time you will be back on track and posting all those fabulous losses no doubt. I had my weigh in last night and the treat night was causing me to gain or sts but delighted to say I had a big 2Ibs loss. I know that I wont be having those 5-6 Ibs losses anymore at my stage but if I could lose 2Ibs a week from now until Christmas then it is possible that I could reach target by then (I'm not going to put pressure on myself to do so but it is at the back of my head to motivate me not to go too mad)

By the way, my story is on the local paper too, just bought it this morning and it is weird reading about yourself on the paper
Well done Orla, that's brilliant!! Congrats on the paper too, completely understand how weird it is, I was in the RTE guide during the summer and it's a bit nuts when you see your life on paper. Delighted that you had such a great loss this week.

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Oops I did it twice but I think most of you will need glasses to read this