I'm a huge believer in my carbs but I know they are what is holding me back.
Puddinpop the new plan is basically extra easy if you remove superfree and replace with speed foods (there are a few changes, parsnip and pineapple for example are no longer speed foods) and add a new category for proteins. Instead of 1/3 of your plate superfree, you now have half of the plate speed foods and half protein foods. "Other" free foods, like potatoes, pasta, rice, parsnip and mullers are not banned, you can have them on a rare occasion on the SP plan, but if you are regularly adding them in, you may be better on EE. You also get an extra HEB (although olive oil is no longer a HE). You still get your 5-15 syns for other stuff and the syn value columns in the book have only one column as they are no longer supporting red or green (although you can still follow them if you know the old syn values yourself well enough or keep your old books).
Hope this makes sense