Irish Molly's GL Diary

27/09 Don't know if I am avoiding the slippery slope. Still in a very picky fridge grazing mode. Main meals are o.k but I find I am looking for snacks. Had ice cream today and a couple of kit kats!!! What's that all about??? Then had a bowl of cereal at nine tonight?? I have to get into a stronger frame of mind from tomorrow on. Once you get a taste for the carb or sugar rich foods you just keep hankering after them!!
Hope everyone is doing well this week.
Oh I sure know. The wrong foods are the ones we take such illicit pleasure in and they take pleasure in us by adding pounds and inches we don't bloody want!!!!
Anyhow, tomorrow is a new day and we will do better!!!
And me .. and me!! :D:D xx
I'm glad we are all on the naughty wagon together and trying like fury to get off it!!! You'll get there Molly, you've not come this far to let it all slip now. The attitude is 80% of the effort I think. The diet follows the mind. (god that's a bit profound for this time of day lol) xx
3/10 Sorry folks for not posting as often as I should. I am enormously busy at work and will get even busier so don't have time for much online activities. Good news is that despite not being as watchful as I should I have actually lost 2lbs this week!!! Result or what!!! All I hoped for was a STS. Most mornings it looked like it was heading for a STS but by Thurs it started moving back a little.
I have been pretty good on main meals but have been having more carbladen stuff like chocolate and a bit more bread.
Anyway, as long as I can hover in or around 180 I will be very happy.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Well done you!! Being busy definitely helps! You're doing brilliantly xx
Flippin marvelous woman! :) x
Thanks girls. We all gotta battle along. Have a good week.
4/10 Oh a bit of a bad day today!! So so buay at work and did not have enough water at all plus I had no lunch so came home starving and grumpy and had far too many snacky things. Had two club milk bars then some cheese and rye crackers. I also had fruit but too much of it!! Then I had dinner which was salmon,quinoa and veg with blueberries and yoghurt for afters. Main lesson learned to day, don't skimp on water and don't miss bloomin lunch!!!! Hope you are all doing better than me today lol!!
Oh dear! Happens to us all though Molly - it's only one day! Hope you have a better one tomorrow xx
My day was bad today Molly, again no water. Water covers a multitude of sins doesn't it? Hope you get back on track tomoro. Organisation being the key to all success (as well as gallons of water lol) ;)
Oh yer - blinkin water!!!!
Hope you've managed to pull it back a bit today Molly :) x
Hope today was a bit bette for you Molly :)
10/10 I really swear by daily weighing as a way of keeping focussed. I had read KD's post on the CD forum on maintaining and daily weighing is something she recommends.
This week I was headed for a 2lb gain mid week. I kept a pretty watchful eye on portions for the rest of the week and am delighted to now have a STS weight as last week. I'm not manic in any way about it and don't starve myself when I see the scales creeping up. It just keeps me focussed on making better choices. Hope everyone has a good week.
Hi All, busy, busy at the moment so not much time to keep checking in here. I hope everyone is doing well. I have good days and some bold days where choices are not always so good. But, that's life. Overall not bad this week and down a pound. Would be very happy to have a STS but a pound down is better than up and gives me scope for a few treat days.
keep well and happy.
Doing great Molly! I love the phrase 'bold' days :D xx
23/10 Hi All! Been a very busy week. Precooked a couple of meals at the start of the week so this helped keep me on track. A few work lunches to cope with but managed healthy enough choices. Good news is that I am down a pound for the week. This is despite having some very yummy chocolate biscuit cake, wine etc at a friends the other night.
Best of all, was the lovely comments I received from old work colleagues who have not seen me for about two years. They were amazed at the difference. So folks, the moral is, it will be worth the effort in the end.
Have a great week.
Can i have some of your willpower please molly?!!! :giggle: x