I want to applaud you ladies, for stopping letting an arbitrary number of calories, usually too low, rule your life.
And I wanted to say how inspiring I found your stories. We've all got a way to go but I feel we're on the right track.
i truly believe If your extra calories are clean (low sugar, low in junk) you'll find you'll lose weight any way. We all get hung up on calories (me included!) and of course they do matter, but there is quite a large margin of error - there's no way we accurately know down to even the last 100 cals what we're eating or burning off. Unless you've been measured in a lab, we don't even know what our bmr is. I spent years on diets at around 1500. I always ended up bingeing. I'm now eating around 2000 cals a day (I've set my upper limit at 2200), and I've lost 3lbs since the start of November. For me it's to do with eating clean (veg with every meal, meat, fish, eggs, nuts etc no wheat but I do eat dairy though never low fat) most of the time. And I like to exercise, so do an hour most days.
Anyway, it really is an experiment of one, finding what works for you. It took me 25 years of diets to work that out, and I'm sure ill have ups and downs, but I know at least I'm on the right path now...
Good luck on your journeys!