(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Mornin hun. Hope u have a lovely time away and have lots of fun.x
Thank You, Just about to update my thread ;-) x
Mornin hun. Hope u have a lovely time away and have lots of fun.x
I Did hun. Just havin a bad day 2day realy. Its the first time ive luked in the mirror and not liked wot i saw. My boobs r goin horid and that crepy look goin on and the bingo wings r horendus i could take off if i flapped them enuf. Its just realy pissed me off today and ive been in a fowl mood.x
Ohhhhh Sweetie, you're one of the most gorgeous and lovely ladies I know, don't EVER say or think those things about yourself, you really are stunning Sweetie, I'm just gutted you can't see it about yourself. X
Thats the thing tho hun i realy can c it. Everything is goin well saggy now. Ive gota laf writin this coz it does sound sily but its true. Greg sez to get sum weights but i just think my arms r beyond that now.x
I'm sure that everything is not saggy! You looked mighty fine in your dress on your night out ;-) x
Thanx hun but i had my extra padded uplift bra on and i wasnt exactly wavin. Haha u cheer me up tho hun. Take no notice of me.x
Well I think you look marvellous, if I were the other way.....! Lol x
Aww haha thanx hun.x![]()
How u feeling today Trina? Any plans for the weekend? X
Ive had a word with myself and told myself to get a grip!! Think im guna take the kids to the park with the football and tennis rackets and earn sum activity points and then 2moz we r taking them swimming.x
That's my GirlYey for the Active Weekend, think it will be good for you and the kids will love it too! Have u got good weather? X
We have put i think thats guna change tonite and the rains cuming. Have u got gud weather hun.x
It's really sunny and warm but I think the rain is going to come in later! Least there's plenty to do which is Inside if the weather does turn rubbish. X
We have been predicted thunder 2nite and if theres 1 thing i hate its thunder. Im like a scared kid!!
We just had Thunder whilst in the Skyline Pavilion and it was very loud! Hope it clears up over night although at least it's rained tonight rather than in the day! X
I would have been under the table with a very large vodka lime and soda to settle my nerves.x
Awwwww bless ya! Can't believe I'm missing out on the yummy cocktails cos of my meds :-( x
But your stil havin a gud time tho arnt u hun.x