Gold Member
Me and Sarah are a very special kind of medicine u knowx
Il remember that for next time.x
Me and Sarah are a very special kind of medicine u knowx
Il remember that for next time.x
Bet u can't wait till Spag Bol o'clock! X
Mmm i cant. Oh i missed my food.x
Good Morning TrinaDid u have Sweet Roly Poly Dreams
Mornin hun. I had an ok sleep,stil tired tho.x
Early Night for you tonight! Any plans for the day? X
Gettin warm with the fire on!! Its such a rainy cold day 2day.x
Is it really that cold? I've not looked out the window yet but the forecast looks grim for down here too! X
Well im a cold person that always likes to b warm so the fire needs to be on haha. If we went out id haue to dig leahs wellies out.x
That's not very good for August is it!!! I'm always warm lol x
2Day i just couldnt be bothered to eat!! At lunch i had a satsuma and a little naan bread from tyler. I realy didnt no what i fancied for tea so didnt bother. It got to 7 and i was starvin and could of easily made a cheese sandwich on thick white soft bread but get me i didnt!! I Made my noodles with a huge salad and had that. Then i thort i could eat my body weight in choc so had my kitkat chunky and u no what i strugled to eat it all and shared it with tyler,woohoo. Ive stil got 4 points left but im full and not going to eat them for the sake of it.x![]()
OMG Trina! I'm so so proud of you for resisting the urge for the sandwich, reminds me of our first Challenge and tonight u didn't even need a Challenge to stop, YOU stopped YOU! So So Proud of you Sweetie. Love u to the moon and back.xxxxx PS-Kit Kat Chunky, what an excellent choice of treat, much more satisfying than biscuits or cake would of been.x
Ah i love u 2 hunny. I No i cant believe the sandwich coz i was starvin. I was eating beetroot while i was making noodles!! Im realy not a biscuit fan to be honest and i had that cake last week so kitkat was perfect.x![]()
I think you did so well, you've come so far! (Will)PowerPuff Girls for life!!! X
Dam rite. I think im on the rite path u no.x