is it just me

Wow Trina! You look amazing! You have a figure to die for and your hair is gorgeous :)

Aww thanx sarah. Ive realy struggled this week but im back in the game now. Its a lot lighter in real life. I go thru stages tho. I like to change things every now and then.x
I thort id air the bad boys 2day. Yes they are hun. Now u have the pic in your head all day haha.x

Oh Dear Oh Dear! Think ill just think of your Buns ;-) x
It's quite easy to get black out without bleaching.

Buy Colour B4 from Boots- it takes the colour out of your hair without bleaching. It works really well!
It's quite easy to get black out without bleaching.

Buy Colour B4 from Boots- it takes the colour out of your hair without bleaching. It works really well!

Yeh thats wot i ment by stripping it. ive dun my sisters b4 and the smell of it is fowl like rotton eggs!! Ive put another blonde on today coz i wasnt happy with it it looked 2 brassy. Ive put an ashy blonde over the top to tone it down.x
Trina! I've finally made it to your thread! It's taken forever to catch up on diaries today! I must not go AWOL again! How dare I have a life ;-) x
Theres not realy much to catch up with over here hun. C wot happens tho when your gone for a day.x:)

At least Minimins didn't collapse ;-) x
U should be hun coz it wasnt even that bad last nite.x

And with 5 Days of Damage Limitation, I *might*'make goal! X