Hi. I started bak on w.w discover on friday and I seem 2 b strugglin! I seem to get realy bad headaches round tea tym and they dont shift til I give in at bed tym and reach 4 the pills!! I used 2 drink alot ov coffee b4 2 curb my appetite but cnt do that now coz dnt want to use loads ov points on milk. Then I thort it cud b coz im not eatin crap at nite tym so my body is just adjustin. I must say I have gone 2 bed a few tyms wit a rumblin tum and no points left!! Think im feelin sory 4 myself 2day coz I ate 4 points ova last nite and I feel bloated and a failure this morn! I just want a gud result 4 wi on friday then I no it wil have been all worth it. Not even thru my first week and moanin,how bad is that. Has anybody else had a simular first week? Guna have a word with myself this morn n pik myself up.xxx