I could just imagine it!!.x
Yep-me too matey.Got my SW books back out-got 2 lose 4 class next week.Not really in the mood though,dont know whats up with me at the moment,cant get enthusiastic about anything!Had a dream last night that I was back in my old f/t job-then I woke up to my crap life! Lol! think thats half my problem-i hate my life! Sound like a right saddo dont I?!What are we like. Sounds like even jaw wiring wouldnt work for us. Well im out of ideas then girls.x
The worse i feel the more i eat its a bad circle. Sam will be goin to school soon wont he. Just think what u cud do with yourself. U wil get bak to feeling like the old u again. Its hard when your stuck in the house with the kids every day with the same old routine i get like that. Y dont u go swimmin wen sams at nursery or go do sumthing just for u. Couldnt u get sum1 else to pick him up so u can have a few hours for u? You wil start to feel beter in yourself if u do sumthing for u and then that wil make u crack on and want to eat better. U Gota change sumthing for u to be able to feel gud again. All of are time is taken up with the kids and me forget about ourselves.x
Ha ha bl**dy handprints get everywhere! Yep-Sam,s 4 in October so he just misses it 4 school this September so we,ve got another year of nursery.They,ll both b starting f/t school at the same time!Well,broke my own record on the treadmill,got my 5 miles done in under 58 mins-thats a record 4 me -yay! Shame i,m not so motivated with the food side of things1 Lol! (Or housework come 2 think of it!) Mind you its impossible 2 tidy up with laddo around,for every item I put away he gets 2 back out! Feel like i,m going round in circles!Lol!Least you can be bothered to go on the tredmil hun thats a gud thing. Ive got the lovely task of washing al the choc hand prints off my curtains 2day and washing the sofa covers!!!! Sams older than leah isnt he? Shes 3 in july and is starting nursery in september every dayl either mornins or afternoons.x