Well done Trina.
Damage Limitation it was as that's barely over a quarter of a pound.
Considering you had a wild weekend, you've done brilliantly.
Just hope my thai meal on saturday hasn't messed me up this week =/
Hope u have a lovely day Trina, will try and get on to see u later. X
Ok hun. Have a lovely time and lucking forward to erm,what word can i use oh bugger it cnt wait to catch up with u haha.x![]()
Managed to get a sort of signal in the hotelSo I'm here for our catch up!!!x
Morning TrinaHow's u today? Was Thursday not a good day for you? X
Not realy hun other halfs dad had a mini stroke. We went into panick mode and was thinkin the worse but thankfuly they let him home and no damage was dun. When we found out my appetite totaly went and then wen we got home last nite at 9 i was starving so i had a cheese and colslaw sandich on realy thick white bread. I didnt even enjoy it it was just tastless. why i used to eat them al the time and thort they were nice il never no. Id only had my noodles all day tho and i just wanted sumthing quick and go to bed. Yesterday was crap but on a plus i actualy fitted into my size 12 super skinny jeans,iwas so happy. When i met my mum she said wow luck at you slim jim haha. So after the jeans that tiny gain i had didnt seem so bad.x![]()
I'm so sorry to hear about his stroke,must of been so scary for all of you :-( Just glad to hear he's ok.x
Well Done on the Jeans, isn't it funny how something u enjoyed like that Sarnie would normally have been so yummy before WW but I bet fitting into those jeans was a better feeling than any old junk food!x
Thanx hun. It realy was and they are my fav pair of jeans ever. I Realy think my tastes have changed food wise. I Never ate fruit and i have at least 3 pieces a day now. Get me grabbin fruit b4 crisps. Never thought that wud happen.x
I'm so proud of you my little (Will)PowerPufferx
I am of u 2 hun coz u have go eating out and choosing wisley down to a t.x
Awwww bless ya,not sure You'll say that after I go to the Wedding reception tomorrow night lol x
Everything once in a while doesnt harm.x
I'm gonna try and be good as I can,am allocating my 49 Weeklies for Saturday Night/Sunday Morning,hoping that will be enough.x
aww sorry to hear about the mini stroke but glad he was let home... stressful when u hear anythin like that happen to close ones!
ur doing really well tho trina![]()