(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Oh it was hard but i did it. I Wanted to give it my all this wk.x
And give it your all u did
Oh it was hard but i did it. I Wanted to give it my all this wk.x
Well done Trina for resisting.
You have definitely earned yourself the (will)power puff girl title.
And I'm sure you'll do well tomorrow.
Saturday wasn't that big of a setback.
You could've done so much worse by eating the hot dog at the gala.
Good luck for tomorrow =D
Thanx hun. gosh yeh the hotdog that seems ages ago. She wanted hotdogs at her party 2day and i so wanted 1 but i didnt i went to cut the grass instead haha. Hotdogs are only half a point each so i cud have had 1 but who wants it without the bread. Havent had any bday cake either i saving it for my little treat 2moz its only 3and half. Its not realy the choc biscuits and cake that bother me its the actual party food. I got the greggs sausage rolls from iceland today and i swear i could of eaten them all.x
Thanx hun. gosh yeh the hotdog that seems ages ago. She wanted hotdogs at her party 2day and i so wanted 1 but i didnt i went to cut the grass instead haha. Hotdogs are only half a point each so i cud have had 1 but who wants it without the bread. Havent had any bday cake either i saving it for my little treat 2moz its only 3and half. Its not realy the choc biscuits and cake that bother me its the actual party food. I got the greggs sausage rolls from iceland today and i swear i could of eaten them all.x
Mmmm... sausage rolls.
I'm quite missing sausage rolls atm.
Dunno why, although I like them, I didn't eat them that often before starting WW haha.
And yes... hot dogs without the roll are just sausages.
That's exactly what I told everyone when I went to my friend's BBQ a couple of weekends ago.
How many PP are there in Sausages Rolls? I love my Cheese and Onion Rolls mmmmmm x
I Think maybe 5 or 6 il wil check tomoz. Im bricking it for tomoz hun.x
Mmmm... sausage rolls.
I'm quite missing sausage rolls atm.
Dunno why, although I like them, I didn't eat them that often before starting WW haha.
And yes... hot dogs without the roll are just sausages.
That's exactly what I told everyone when I went to my friend's BBQ a couple of weekends ago.
Yeh exactly so whats the point. I love greggs sausage rolls oh and the sausage bean and cheese melt.x
I love Greggs Belgian Buns, minus the cherry, yuck! X
I Always give the cherry away. Vanilla slices r my fave.x
My cherry was popped a while ago ;-) x
Yeh exactly so whats the point. I love greggs sausage rolls oh and the sausage bean and cheese melt.x
R u lowerin the tone of the cherry on the bun haha.x
R u lowerin the tone of the cherry on the bun haha.x
shes got a filthy mind lol
says serena the frustrated please urself willy watcher