It’s time.

Hugs @MrsTeacup Hope you're feeling brighter.
Thank you, I am actually, Scottish seaside walks blow all the cobwebs away.

Busy day - garden centre, beach, park. I prepped the dinner in the slow cooker so that helps. Both sets of grandparents were keen gardeners, we are too and I try to bring the children up at least slightly nature-orientated. Four year old chose a new plant and a new pig then pitted up all by herself once home, watered suitably and chose/ordered where to put it. 🤣
Watching Sewing Bee tonight with 16 year old - she goes to Uni next year to do a costume design degree specialising in historically all seeing we watch together; it’s lovely.
I've just watched the first episode on iplayer :D enjoy!
Hahaha just reread my last post - so many typos I’m ashamed of myself. 😁
Today’s food: B - mushrooms & beansprouts, L - silly eggs with asparagus, D - bolognese
I am excited for your daughter! Bernadette Banner, Cathy Hay & the Peacock Dress and historical sewing twitter have been a lockdown discovery (and pleasure!) for me.
I am excited for your daughter! Bernadette Banner, Cathy Hay & the Peacock Dress and historical sewing twitter have been a lockdown discovery (and pleasure!) for me.
I’m excited for her too! Her big sister followed the Law (money) route and works in the City, the hours and work ethos are insane - my teen wants a very different life and I’m proud they both felt secure enough to pursue very different dreams.
Well I seriously don’t understand just why I’m so hungry this week, I’m eating tonnes and definitely struggled at times to keep low-carb, though I am. Yesterday ended up being chia smoothie, eggs & asparagus, loads of fathead pizza then evening munchies of 100% choc melted with almonds and sweetener. I may have raised my carbs too much by accident, that’s the only thing I can think of. I think I’ll have today eating loads again if I need to then weigh myself tomorrow morning, accept it, and really refocus.
Plan for today: B - chia smoothie, L - loads of roasted veg, D - cheese & spring onion omelette & salad.
Well I seriously don’t understand just why I’m so hungry this week, I’m eating tonnes and definitely struggled at times to keep low-carb, though I am. Yesterday ended up being chia smoothie, eggs & asparagus, loads of fathead pizza then evening munchies of 100% choc melted with almonds and sweetener. I may have raised my carbs too much by accident, that’s the only thing I can think of. I think I’ll have today eating loads again if I need to then weigh myself tomorrow morning, accept it, and really refocus.
Plan for today: B - chia smoothie, L - loads of roasted veg, D - cheese & spring onion omelette & salad.
Hope the hunger soon subside. I hate it when you get the munchies.
Well I seriously don’t understand just why I’m so hungry this week, I’m eating tonnes and definitely struggled at times to keep low-carb, though I am. Yesterday ended up being chia smoothie, eggs & asparagus, loads of fathead pizza then evening munchies of 100% choc melted with almonds and sweetener. I may have raised my carbs too much by accident, that’s the only thing I can think of. I think I’ll have today eating loads again if I need to then weigh myself tomorrow morning, accept it, and really refocus.
Plan for today: B - chia smoothie, L - loads of roasted veg, D - cheese & spring onion omelette & salad
It's horrible feeling hungry when trying to stay on plan isn't it. Maybe you have overdone it on the carbs. Perhaps up your fluid intake when feeling hungry if you can.
I am excited for your daughter! Bernadette Banner, Cathy Hay & the Peacock Dress and historical sewing twitter have been a lockdown discovery (and pleasure!) for me.
She says to tell you she loves Bernadette Banner but she hasn’t come across Cathy Hay before so thank you from her.
2lb gain this week. So disappointed but also not surprised with amounts I’ve eaten. Hoping it comes back off promptly. I comfort ate a chia smoothie, a bar of 85% choc and cheese and gherkins yesterday and feel done now...back to refocusing on portions. So today...chia smoothie, egg salad, cheeseburger & salad.
Just a blip in the road. I have gained one week. But stuck to my eating programme and the weight has dropped off. Don't get disheartened. We can gain a little weight for so many reason. From exercise which causes micro tearing which in turn part of the repair process is to retain fluid. Or eating something that is a little salty you can retain fluid.
Cathy Hay is lovely - very good videos on living life well, too. Bernadette Banner seems to have moved to the UK - her guinea pig is in quarantine! I am very taken by her pig. I think I will have guinea pigs in my old age! We don't want cats here because they'd hunt the ground nesting birds in the dunes, the golf course and the beach. So if I can't walk a dog, I shall be the old lady with the guinea pigs, and parts of my garden with overhead fencing to stop them from being taken for a meal by the hawks and harriers that frequent the coast!

Glad you are back on track, Mrs T.
Must have been those carbs. Onwards & downwards Mrs T.
Good luck this week.
Hope all Is well with you & yours, Mrs T.

I saw this and thought of your daughter. It's very enjoyable.