Well done you, ya look great
I agree with that PH, in the end the only person who can sort your head out is you. Spot on.
I wasn't an emotional eater, I just ate and ate and ate.
I realise I must have the addiction gene, I ate, I drank (and some) I smoked.
I have gained control of my weight. I'm in the process of stopping smoking, and I only drink a couple of bottles of wine a week, unfortunately that's all in one night on a Friday:sigh:
But hey, it used to be 10 pints of Guiness a night, so that's an improvement isn't it.
BUT.. I have changed my 'diet' as in what I eat even without coming back to CD. I haven't lost weight but I am healthier in general. CD is my step to making sure I sort my weight out whilst sorting my head! lol