Thanks Kally, she has come up to me and rubbed my back this morning and asked how I am????? WTF? eerr I am fine thank you, just ate a COW this w/end? What does she want me to say? Actually it sort of makes me giggle to?
HHmmm the romance is not going as romantic as I thought :sigh:. Yes we all like a nice guy, but can this nice guy please be a little bit bad to? I like him, I think he is great. He know all about me trying my hardest to lose this weight and is so supportive. But is he just to nice? I have been told in the past I am far to fussy and ditch guys before I have even got to know them. So I am getting to know him. On paper he is wonderful. Am I panicking as I am nearly 40, childless and ovaries ticking?? I feel like a time bomb?

This song is going through my head at the moment:
I eat cannibal, feed on animal
Your love is so edible to me, I eat cannibals
I eat cannibal, it's incredible
You bring out the animal in me, I eat cannibals