Not sure that your GP sounds much cop. I'm angry on your behalf that he left you feeling so hopeless. Without wanting to sound too much of a nut job (though I am, of course

) these days I insist on a print out of all blood test results so I can see how normal they actually are. I suspect I'm every GP's worst nightmare, but I wouldn't have ever known I had a thyroid problem if I hadn't been persistent. He told me the results were normal when they were out of range. Any hoo. Maybe your doctor's not that bad, but it certainly stopped me trusting mine. :sigh: They only look at the numbers these days, not whether they make sense. I just got the usual guff about eating less and moving more - which when you feel like sh*t 80% of the time really ain't easy. I've felt a lot better since starting thyroid hormones, though I still haven't magically lost stones in weight. That said, I haven't put more on, so something's definitely changed.
I'm edging ever closer to making that phone call to a Cambridge consultant. I've been to the website and picked out the one who looks nicest in her photo (very scientific

) - not the thinnest or anything, just someone who looks caring, LOL. She'll probably turn out to be the opposite, but it's not like I don't know what to do - in many ways, I only need a source for the packs. I've ridden the Cambridge train so many times I know every station intimately.

Though some support does help, doesn't it? It's nice to feel that someone actually gives a damn whether you've had a good week or not.
Well done on that half pound lost. It all adds up - and maybe next week will be the one where you lose a few of those pounds all at once. :cross:
Hope you have a good day x