Having a real down day today. My toddler is being a grumpy man today, I am so fed up of watching the Disney channel, I hate Imagination Movers!!!
The scales have not budged in 3 days - (in fact if I look at the part pounds they have gone up but thats taking it to extremes

) - and I have been so good so I don't see why.
I have a mums night out tomorrow which I helped organise so I cant really miss - my intention is to have a healthy low carb lunch and then just a few drinks, but mainly stick to coke. And make it early so I am not tempted by after drinks pizza. :sigh::sigh:
The weather is so pants, it's cold and wet and miserable and I would normally cuddle up with my toddler, a blanket, a coffee and a packet of biscuits, but instead I am sipping water and 'working' on my computer all day.

Moan moan moan.
*slaps face*
Right - enough of that! Where is my 'can do' attitude!

I can get through today, I will plan a special tasty but healthy lunch as my treat for tomorrow, and I will lose a pound by Sunday!

Any suggestions for a nice healthy lunch before I sink a few vodkas tomorrow?