It's now or never

Well done on a pound lost!! :) That's really awesome that you have your own hens for eggs and you grow your own veggies. :D I'd like to do that, it'd save a lot of money!!

Hope you have fun tonight :)
I don't think it does save that much money - we sell all our spare eggs which pays for the chicken feed and straw so they pay for themselves - and the time and effort involved in the veg bed probably makes them the most expensive veg in the world. But they are organic, super fresh and have so much more taste than shop bought stuff.

I had my naughty day - although I still drank my water and didnt snack so think I was quite well behaved. ;)

All this so I could have a mums night out and drink without worrying.
And since they were all driving, leaving early or miserable, I ended up only being out 3 hours and having 4 vodkas - I may as well have stayed on the diet and just drunk coke :mad::mad::mad:

Tch - well I hope this has not mucked up my loss too much. I don't know - what is the world coming to when you can't even rely on mums to get fully tanked up and out of control.:mad::sigh::sigh::sigh:
Morning all!:)

Well the good News is that I have only put on 1lb so I will have that off as quick as possible!:D

The bad news is that after a day of eating I have woken up starving hungry. So back on the 3 day trip to ketosis for me!:cry:

Still, feeling good. Right, I have a house to tidy and bags to pack so I can ship the kids off to grannies for a week!:D:D
Oh my! Well!:rolleyes::eek::eek:

So I started well this morning with my shake, then driving down to my ums, 2.5 hour drive, I ate my bar. :p

Then we went to a family party and OH wanted to go to the pub so I thought I better have something to eat so I could have a drink with him -we don't get to go out often without kids! :p:p

And then, oh my goodness, the wind! I had bubbles in my stomach, bubbles running through my my body head to toe, my entire digestive system was trying to float away! At a family party, all squished together in a little house with no privacy and I thought I was going to burst from trying to hold the bubbles in:cry::cry::cry:

My CDC did say that if you eat the bars too fast you get wind, but :D:D:cry::cry::D:D:cry::cry:,!!

Was it the bar, or eating on top of the shake and bar? Who knows, but never again will I chew through a bar so fast, just in case. I think this is a warning not to go from SS to a full meal so fast! Even now my stomach is rumbling and bubbling away. :rolleyes::rolleyes::eek::eek:
Lol! You do make me giggle Egbert. I'm also very pleased that you're about as strict as I am on CD, so I now don't feel as guilty as I did 2 hours ago, instead I feel a new motivation to get back on track again. I've been naughty the past 2 -3 days and I'm thinking it's PMS related because it's all in my head. Anyway, let's keep on eh?!
I think I should rename my diary 'good intentions are doomed to failure'.

OK - my weekend has just gone completely down the wrong track. My planned night off for Friday began Thursday, then the re-start on Saturday became a failure at the family party, and re-start Sunday again went wrong when the sun came out and, finding myself child free, decided some 'me and him quality time' was required, in the pub having a lovely lunch and a few beers. I am now sat in the evening sunshine - isnt it lovely and warm - with a cold Bud and a bowlful of freshly picked mange tout I just nabbed off the plant.

I would point out that on the plus side, despite the beer and lovely duck lunch, I did not smoke at all. However, since this is a dieting forum and not a Quit Smoking forum, it is probably besides the point.

However - work tomorrow, therefore no temptation and 100 % CD it is!

*hides behind the Mange tout bush in shame*:break_diet:
Actually I think there are a couple of quit smoking threads here... ;)

I relaxed on Saturday too.

And today I had a blow-out... right there with you hon :hug99: We will start again tomorrow.

Sorry too about the bubbles! :(
I feel for you with the bubbles, i've had two planned breaks and each time the first meal gave me the worst stomach ache and trapped wind ever and was burpy for several painful hours. The first time i thought it might be because the food was quite high fat (although small portion) but the second time the meal was less high fat but a bit too big a portion (still smaller than a non diet meal) although the first time was much much worse.
I am now working hard t get back to where I was last Friday, my 1 stone loss. Over the weekend I managed to put 4 lb back on and I have a wedding to go to this Friday, so if I could just get that 4 lb off again I would feel much better about it all. in effect having 2.5 days off made the whole week a write off. :cry:

Still, I managed to walk round the deli on Monday without giving in to the prawns, the huge tubs of coleslaw, the bagels, basically everything yummy. Today I have been cleaning the house all day and managed to get down lots of water so hoping for a better weigh in tomorrow. But my 2nd weigh in with the CDC is on Thursday, a day early due to the wedding, and at 4 weeks I think it is going to be really crap!:cry::sigh:

The one thing I noticed about my weekend off ( besides the incredible wind) was how uncomfortable and bloated being full of food made me feel, heavy and sluggish. So hopefully I can hold on to that feeling for when I am tempted;):eek:

Here goes another 2 days before my next and hopefully last day off until mid august!
While I was at my mums this weekend I picked up a red dress. I bought this dress about 10, no maybe 12 years ago, or maybe even 14 ( goodness how time flies )

Anyway, whenever it was I was about 20 and a size 14. I am no way a dress person and I think this is the one and only dress I ever bought because I liked it, not for a function! Ayway, I only ever remember wearing it once. So, I have brought it home and hung it on the front of my wardrobe when I can see it morning and night!

This is my next target! I want to be able to wear that dress for my next birthday, I want to have a reason so if I can fit in it I will make OH take me out for dinner.

Hmm, just checked the calendar and it may be a bit difficult to lose another dress size in 19 days. But I am damn well going to try!

Off to add it to my targets! Xx
We all have weekend gains now and then -- I just did yesterday!! :eek:

Isn't it funny how after dieting/eating sensibly, you get fuller faster and feel kind of icky when you go back to eating the way you were? It's almost sort of disappointing in a way! But you can use that as a way to remind yourself not to over eat as well.

Good luck shifting those 4 lbs back again, even if you can't get it off quite as soon as you'd like, you'll still shift that and then some :)
YAy. Shifted it. That was quicker than i expected. A bit of perseverance and a lot of water! If its still off tomorrow I will consider my target met!
Another day of work over. Now to face off the temptation of the fridge as evening arrives.

It's very frustrating that we have a child free week, the sun is almost out and it's warm enough to sit out with a bottle of wine, and I'm not drinking - or smoking. Everything a July evening calls for.:sigh:

Having not had a chance to drink all my water today - meeting madness at work:mad: - it's a race to get it all in tonight instead. Still half pint down, 3 more to go.

I am craving chocolate though, so it's a choc CD bar for dinner! :D
Oops - I accidentally fell into a packet of Monster Munch :eek::8855:

Well, the calorie content is very low and I am drinking lots of water so it wont hurt me too much I reckon. :sigh:

And of course, by eating them I was being a good parent and protecting my children from becoming obese;)

Weigh in day - week 4!

4 pounds off - it would have been better if I hadn't had that 3 day break in the middle! But still, its a loss, its a stone off, and its made my clothes all feel too loose! :D:D:D

I do have a wedding to go to tomorrow, but then nothing naughty planned until 15th August, so a good 2 week shot at being 98% good :D:D:D