I think I should rename my diary 'good intentions are doomed to failure'.
OK - my weekend has just gone completely down the wrong track. My planned night off for Friday began Thursday, then the re-start on Saturday became a failure at the family party, and re-start Sunday again went wrong when the sun came out and, finding myself child free, decided some 'me and him quality time' was required, in the pub having a lovely lunch and a few beers. I am now sat in the evening sunshine - isnt it lovely and warm - with a cold Bud and a bowlful of freshly picked mange tout I just nabbed off the plant.
I would point out that on the plus side, despite the beer and lovely duck lunch, I did not smoke at all. However, since this is a dieting forum and not a Quit Smoking forum, it is probably besides the point.
However - work tomorrow, therefore no temptation and 100 % CD it is!
*hides behind the Mange tout bush in shame*:break_diet: