It's the final countdown! Losing it - Phase 2!

I haven't been posting much on my own thread - not much to say really. I've been doing CD for several months now and, in the last couple of weeks, have added a bit more food as I was feeling dizzy on a frequent basis. Adding the food helped. Losses are slow and frankly I'm amazed I haven't given up - but slow or now, the results so far have exceeded my expectations and I know that if I stick with it, I will get there in the end. Maybe not by end 2012, but shortly thereafter. And since I'm so close, I just don't want to let it go. Call it sheer bloody mindedness! :) That and the suspicion that if I quit, I'll never start again and never get to goal and always walk around with a sense of failure which will eat away at me and .... voila! I'll be eating my weight in crisps and watching the scales go up. No, no, no!!! Not going there!

Had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend - big dinner with 10 people on Sat and smaller dinner with 3 on Sunday. We always go around the table and say what we're thankful for and this year I was thankful for whatever it is that enabled me to stick with the diet, lose this much weight, improve my health for the long term. I was also thankful that I can host such a dinner and that people like it enough to come back year after year. It has become not only my tradition, but theirs as well. Some now have kids and my Thanksgiving dinner is becoming part of their life/traditions. Feels funny in a very nice way.

Skipped weighing in with CDC yesterday and woke up late, so skipped weighing on my scales as well. Did it today and am up 1.5lbs from last Monday (I suspect yesterday's weight was higher). I'm ok with that and am back on track today. Breakfast was apple & cinn porridge. Lunch will be chick & mushroom soup. I'm hoping not to get too hungry and to get back into ketosis very quickly.

On Kira's thread we're on a challenge - 7lbs by year end! It's a true challenge as we have many obstacles this month between social and work events. Oddly, I'm lookign forward to it, imagining the scales at -7lbs.... :)
You're so close to your goal. Congratulations!
Hi tizz, good to see that you've enjoyed your thanksgiving :) have had a bit of a bad week, have really struggled. Like you I'm going hardcore back on ss this weekend to get back into ketosis.

Just means we've made life a bit trickier for ourselves for our 7lb challenge....but hey, we like a challenge....
Have had a very good week - enjoyed Thanksgiving last week. Had a couple of days (Mon/Tues) during which it was harder to get back into CD than I anticipated - I even had a small bag of crisps! However, stuck with it and it worked out - all the weight gained last weekend and then some has come off - down -3lbs. Good start on the 7lb challenge!!!
Now I'm just frustrated as I can't get the ticker to work - am 19 down, 11 to go. Will try again later in the day.
11 to go..... :) Seems such a low number.

I'm off to France again this week and have a wine-tasting on Saturday. However, surely I can knock off 2lbs and get into the single digits?!?!? Wouldn't that be fabulous????!!!!!

OK - can't hide it - I'm feeling very positive this morning. Woo hoo! Must enjoy while I can as I'm already thinking about moving the goal again........:D
Fab positive post hunni well done on the loss and have a fantastic week!!!
Fab update! Love the 3lb loss - I only managed 2, but given I had a massive binge last week I'm pretty pleased. Am now just TWO pounds away from my psychological barrier, and FOUR pounds from goal!!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Good for you Daisy - you're almost there!!!! Woo hoo!!! Am soooo jealous!
Tizzy i found your diary yay and wowee you're doing so well, hope you're having a lovely time in France, hadn't realised how close you were to goal are you feeling it yet? hugs xx
Not sure I'm feeling it - at least not all the time. I am mostly happy with all the changes to my body and how much weight I've lost, tho' I'm still working on my midriff. But yes - feeling much better ... and the clothes I bought this summer are, mostly, become a bit loose. When I lose the remaining weight I suspect I have to buy more. And then maintain !!!!

Because I haven't been as strict as before my summer vacation, the weight loss is much slower. Even in weeks where I'm sticking to the program it's slower... but I'm ok with that - it's still going down! :)
It's all about the direction of the graph tizz....

This way it fits with our lifestyle, but the weight still comes off

Keep going *waves pom poms*
Loving the pom poms! :D
Well, I'm beginning to feel like a phrase I once heard - "how long can you tread water?" I've been around this weight for a month - course it was a month that included Thanksgiving and a great party weekend this past weekend, so hard to complain. The positive side is that the weight I do gain at a special event, I'm managing to take corrective action and lose again. Which is much, much better than saying "stuff it!", throwing in the towel and walking away!!!

I am b loody well NOT going to quit and I'm going to see this through to goal. If that means doing whatever is necessary to just maintain weight this month (tho' I'm still planning on losing) and then refocusing in Jan by saying no to dinners/social events as much as possible, then so be it. I can't fail if I don't give up - and I'm too close to give up now!!!!!
(play music to Rocky)
Now Tizzy missus you're doing so well and you certainly arent going to give up and you've got no reason to give up, you've lost 68lbs this yr missus and just 1 measley stone to goal weight now hows that for amazing!!!!! Christmas is a hard time for ANYONE on a diet or healthy eating or whatever there's so many meals out and treats and well food is literally everywhere. Don't be too hard on yourself either, is it fair to yourself or realistic to cancel all social events until you do reach goal? Everyone knows the last few lbs are the hardest to shift because you dont have that much to give away so try and remember that

hugs xx
Being on a diet during Xmas and New Years is not an easy thing. My hat is off to all those who are sticking to it!
For myself, I decided to enjoy the season while keeping a careful eye on what I far so good - I have STS since last weigh-in, despite wine, food, chocolate... I want to at least STS to end of Dec and then hit the last 13lbs hard in Jan. By the time I get to the anniversary of my start date, I want to be firmly in maintenance mode!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I would not have made it this far without the support of all you wonderful people on this forum. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I wish you all a very special Christmas Day full of joy, fun and laughter, surrounded by those you love and who love you! :xmassign:
OK so I failed in ending Dec doing an STS. Between Xmas dinner, keeping the spirits up in the office by throwing a party, treating myself to wine and raclette and New Years Eve dinner and celebrations... well, it's all in the past now!

Today is Day 1 2013. I have 14lbs/1st to go and it's time to get it done! I started CD 20 Feb 2012 and I want to have achieved goal for my 1 year anniversary. So today will be prep day - I'm cleaning the house, going through the clothes (again) to pull out everything too big, working out and cleaning out the food cupboards. The idea is to start the year the way I mean to go on - healthy, mindful eating; exercise; clean house; etc. :)

Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and is ready to hit it hard in 2013!!!
Yikes - 16lbs to go, not 14. Grrrrr!
Hi tizz

I feel quite relieved to be through the festivities! It's so hard to stay in control when you're out of regular life!

Let's go for a full power 6 weeks - I'm going to go for 10 stone dead on by your goal date which is a 12lbs, so we're almost the same :) (and I've got 3 weeks away during that time! )
Let's do it!
Hey Tizzy gd luck starting back, am back now 100% so lets do this!!
Tizzy you have done fantastic, we started around the same time but you have done so much better than me !

I will again take inspiration from you and others on here. To STS in Dec is just amazing, I have no doubt you will move those last lbs x x x