Gold Member
I haven't been posting much on my own thread - not much to say really. I've been doing CD for several months now and, in the last couple of weeks, have added a bit more food as I was feeling dizzy on a frequent basis. Adding the food helped. Losses are slow and frankly I'm amazed I haven't given up - but slow or now, the results so far have exceeded my expectations and I know that if I stick with it, I will get there in the end. Maybe not by end 2012, but shortly thereafter. And since I'm so close, I just don't want to let it go. Call it sheer bloody mindedness!
That and the suspicion that if I quit, I'll never start again and never get to goal and always walk around with a sense of failure which will eat away at me and .... voila! I'll be eating my weight in crisps and watching the scales go up. No, no, no!!! Not going there!
Had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend - big dinner with 10 people on Sat and smaller dinner with 3 on Sunday. We always go around the table and say what we're thankful for and this year I was thankful for whatever it is that enabled me to stick with the diet, lose this much weight, improve my health for the long term. I was also thankful that I can host such a dinner and that people like it enough to come back year after year. It has become not only my tradition, but theirs as well. Some now have kids and my Thanksgiving dinner is becoming part of their life/traditions. Feels funny in a very nice way.
Skipped weighing in with CDC yesterday and woke up late, so skipped weighing on my scales as well. Did it today and am up 1.5lbs from last Monday (I suspect yesterday's weight was higher). I'm ok with that and am back on track today. Breakfast was apple & cinn porridge. Lunch will be chick & mushroom soup. I'm hoping not to get too hungry and to get back into ketosis very quickly.
On Kira's thread we're on a challenge - 7lbs by year end! It's a true challenge as we have many obstacles this month between social and work events. Oddly, I'm lookign forward to it, imagining the scales at -7lbs....
Had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend - big dinner with 10 people on Sat and smaller dinner with 3 on Sunday. We always go around the table and say what we're thankful for and this year I was thankful for whatever it is that enabled me to stick with the diet, lose this much weight, improve my health for the long term. I was also thankful that I can host such a dinner and that people like it enough to come back year after year. It has become not only my tradition, but theirs as well. Some now have kids and my Thanksgiving dinner is becoming part of their life/traditions. Feels funny in a very nice way.
Skipped weighing in with CDC yesterday and woke up late, so skipped weighing on my scales as well. Did it today and am up 1.5lbs from last Monday (I suspect yesterday's weight was higher). I'm ok with that and am back on track today. Breakfast was apple & cinn porridge. Lunch will be chick & mushroom soup. I'm hoping not to get too hungry and to get back into ketosis very quickly.
On Kira's thread we're on a challenge - 7lbs by year end! It's a true challenge as we have many obstacles this month between social and work events. Oddly, I'm lookign forward to it, imagining the scales at -7lbs....