It's time ....

Hi Morticia,

The general concensus seems to be to increase your calories by about 100 per week from that of abstinence days, so I started on 600 odd and have been working up from there. By week 5 I was having between 1000 to 1100 cals per day.

According to Food Focus, I should be aiming for 1700 a day, so once I hit that, I'll stop increasing and see what happens to the weight :)

Hi Mel, thanks for that, you are a star...:)
Today I saw someone that I haven't seen for a few months. This lady is very slim and about 5' 8" (and she wears killer heals to boot!). When she saw me today she said she couldn't believe the difference in me and that I was so small and tiny (and she didn't mean height).

I have never, in my entire life, been called tiny (baby days excluded of course). I saw a few other colleagues I haven't seen for a while who made similar comments.

All I can say is what an amazing feeling and I was lapping up all the compliments no problems at all! (learnt how to accept a positive stroke at last!).

Another thing for me to remember that has made this all worth while.
Wooohoo, someone at my LL meeting tonight called me's great isn't it....:)
:0 :) :) :)

nothing more to add - congratulations :)
Congratulations to all the "Tinies" xx:wave_cry:
Thanks everyone and the feeling is still with me :D

I saw some more old work colleagues yesterday (not seen for about a year) and 5 of them said I looked younger and once again 3 didn't recognise me. I've had a couple of other people say this to me as well, but it is still somewhat a surprise as I think I look older now. As my face doesn't have the "puffiness" the lines on them have become more prominent (well they have to me!). The only thing I can think is that I probably appear younger because I am happier, hold my head high and smile more. Nonetheless, it's all good and I graciously accepted all the compliments - and couldn't stop grinning :D

I had W-I on Wednesday and have lost another 3lbs so I am down to 9st 7lbs - a weight I NEVER thougt I would be. I am now into Week 8, first trigger week, although none of the foods are "triggers" for me. I am concerned that I'm on a bit of a slippery slope at the moment with the weight loss. It has become addictive and I know I need to stop and stabilise, but there is a bit of me that is not accepting the scales not moving down. I am trying to work through this and add more to my diet, but I am finding it very difficult. I just don't see the point in eating if I'm not hungry. Still, I will continue on the journey and see where it takes me :)

God that could have been me writing that. I still am not eating the amount I should as I'm not hungry. However, over the last 2 days I've put on 2lb, I'm assuming it's a TOTM thing and trying not to get too down about it. But I feel the losing weight thing can be addictive.....not good. Anyway the next few days will tell me more.

Congrats on all the positive strokes, well deserved. Enjoy !
Today is a day I don't think I will forget in a long time. I can't remember the last time I went on a date - I never had the confidence what with my weight and because I didn't like myself, didn't see how anyone else could so never bothered trying. I just hid away in my own little world where nothing could hurt me. I was "happy" being single.

I joined a dating website a few weeks ago and was contacted by another member 2 weeks ago to the day. After 2 weeks of emails/txts/calls we went on our first date today and I have just had the best day I have had in a long, long time. We spent 6 hours together and the txts that have just been flying back and forth since I got home are all fairly good signs. We will be meeting again soon and I can't wait.

I feel like after years of being dormant, I am at last starting to live my life again and I have LL to thank for that :D
Wow Mel - that's brilliant. Well done you! So happy for you. Confident, happy person you are now. Long may it continue.

Here's to LL!!
Fabby news Mel, enjoy!
Hun congratulations!!!

So pleased to hear your good news. I seem to have ***** luck on the old dating websites - so very happy for you that you met a goody!

Mel, I'm so pleased it was a success.
Enjoy xxx
Thanks everyone and I'm pleased to say that a week later, things are still going well. I saw him again on Friday and we had a lovely evening. I keep waiting for him to turn into one of the many other failures I have come across through my life, but so far he seems to be the perfect gentleman. He is also an excellent incentive for sticking to plan ;) and I feel like a teenager again!

Jez - I was on another website for 6 months and had all but given up hope, but then I changed websites and he contacted me within 3 days.

I am now half way through week 9 of RTM, so into the triggers and down to 1 pack a day. I am have realised that my triggers are alcohol and savoury snacks (crisps/nuts) so I steer clear of the alcohol as much as possible and will avoid crisps/nuts going forward. Not an essential part of anyone's diet so easy enough to do. Carbs are not a problem, and in fact I find myself eating much less of these than I used to anyway (rice, potatos, etc..).

Still a way to go, but considering my change in tastes and how I felt when I have gone off plan (chips!), I hope they are good signs for going forward.
Mel - I'm delighted that things are going so well for you.

Brilliant to hear things like this as it shows us all how things can and really do change. xx
you are doing great mel, im really glad the dating is going well too - fantastic incentive - hmmm.....perhaps i should try it?
(only joking don't think my hubby would be too impressed, lol!)
keep up the good work
daisy x
Great news Mel

Lol PM me the name of the website you used, haha, although I have tried most with limited success, perhaps a new profile with new attitude and new skinny pics will help :)

Interesting to hear about how you are finding the trigger weeks. Hoping when I get there to discover I am not as into carbs as I once was - used to live off them, no wonder I put on weight and had loads of sugar highs and lows!!

Good luck with Mr Perfect :)

I've just been for a pop in as I have an early start in the morning and seems I've lost another 2lbs. This is unexpected as I had thought I would STS at least. I have had a busy week and she has advised that I up my calorie intake more and that I try 4 smaller meals a day. I have never really been a breakfast person and will only have something at around 9:30 in the morning, but I normally get up at 5 (or earlier). She thinks this could be part of my problem and that I could be dipping in and out of ketosis so has told me to eat earlier in the morning.

I don't know how many calories I am having at the moment as I have stopped logging my food intake ... probably time to start again.

Really not sure how I'm feeling about this at the moment. I don't particularly want to lose anymore weight as I can see all my ribs including on my chest. But there is a little something inside me that says, lose a little bit more for when I stop smoking (before the end of October is my deadline!) and I am fairly certain I will put weight on when I do that.

What to do ... I really don't know...
hi there
I would do as she says for a week - see if it makes a difference.

it was my ribs at my chest that i didn't like seeing - its much better now i have gained some weight (just don't want to gain any more!)

daisy x