It's time

I know I can because I did on Sunday and Monday and today.

But it's a guilt and punishment thing. Massive massive binge and then huge cut backs to compensate.
I said it aloud today. If I hadn't have gotten carried away, I wouldn't have to be so strict today ~ everything in moderation. And the rest of it.
But alas my mind and my chomping mechanism have ideas of their own from time to time.

*** hugs ***

I reckon it's a start that you recognise the cycle you get into sometimes. Breaking it is way harder, but acknowledging it is a big step.

Unfortunately (I think??) I never really have the guilts and therefore cut back to compensate. I will eat loads til I feel like stopping, and then start over with SW again. I don't really berate myself while I am doing it, but will feel the fear/rage when W/I day comes.

Hope today is good to us all! My last night at group...sad that it's closing :cry:
I now realise my ***hugs*** look like an attempt to curse wildly on minis.

How annoying re Alpen Lights? I didn't get them often, but they were so handy. Aldi have stopped Benefit Bars too, which I used to get quite a bit.

Everyone's a hater these days!
Morning Niamh!

I'm so so sorry your group is closing. What you going to do?! Minimins it all the way? Some people go to one of those machines where you print out the receipt once weekly. I suppose then you can make it an appointment and stick to it, which is something!? And you'll be saving a fortune from how dear I recall your meetings are!

I bought 4 boxes of Alpen Lights on the way to work! They were 2 for £3 and I had £5 worth of nectar points for Sainsbury's so only £1 for the lot.
Sorry- lots of maths for this early in the morn.

I hope maybe you're right about recognising. Thing is, none of us here are stupid are we. (I mean it's not like we're not all experts on how many calories or syns in EVERYTHING and don't know that if you eat more than you burn off you're going to gain and bla bla bla).

We just like food. A lot.
A very big lot, at that.

Great stock-up on Alpen Lights. They should keep you going for a while.

Don't know what I'll do about group. I think I'll go to the nearest big town for a while, on a Tues or Thurs, and just pay/weigh/leave. I can tie it in with a trip to Aldi or something! I want to get my 3-stone before deciding if I do the last stone at home myself. Then for last stone, it'll be a tenner in a jar every week to get a fabby new dress at the end.
A very big lot, at that.

Great stock-up on Alpen Lights. They should keep you going for a while.

Don't know what I'll do about group. I think I'll go to the nearest big town for a while, on a Tues or Thurs, and just pay/weigh/leave. I can tie it in with a trip to Aldi or something! I want to get my 3-stone before deciding if I do the last stone at home myself. Then for last stone, it'll be a tenner in a jar every week to get a fabby new dress at the end.

Dress, shoes and matching bag I'd say!!!
You might like the new group, or find many of your current group end up going there too.
Ooh! Just spotted your IG in your signature!!! *stalker*

Hope tonights a lucky last night xxx
Just weigh me already!!!


I gots to know (Dirty Harry anyone?!)

Todays angelic food diary (until WI of course)

Fruit & fibre with green milk (HeA & B)
banana & 2 bites of a cruddy apple that tasted of onions
salad with mayo 4 and salmon fillet
greek mullerlight 0.5

Good luck for WI xx

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Wednesday Weigher Woe's (or wonders as the case may be!)

Over the moon with my STS the last night.
Weird huh?

One time you’re chuffed :D, another time you’re gutted :sigh:
No I really reined it in and despite my hugeee mishaps I genuinely (for once) feel I deserved that maintain. By that I also mean I genuinely (for once) feel I did not deserve a gain.
Basically I’m proud. *smug grin*

However. This does prove I can do it. Shock horror. If I can, I probably should!! :rolleyes:

Started Kay’s soup challenge today. Was very VERY unprepared. Still am (?) Went to bed at about 11pm wondering about it. Was woken up my partying boyfriend at about 2:50am who fell asleep quite promptly while I pondered soups and such for about an hour and a half. Then I was up at 6am chopping courgettes.

I feel hungry. I wasn’t prepared. I had nothing at home to eat for breakfast so chomped on a pear.
Got to work and had 180g fruit salad and activia 0%
And now I’m waiting for lunch. Which is going to be my VERY watery “soup”. God knows what it tastes like.
Gosh I sound like a negative Nellie. I’m not being (for a change [honest!!!]) I’m just saying.

Do you know what though. I’m not going to do the guilt/ punishment thing this week. If I do one day of the challenge- great. If I do 7- great too!

We’re so good at beating ourselves up but would never talk to anyone else in the same way. (As if I’ve had a revelation!) Seriously though, why is that?

Anyway I’m going to be very sloshy with all this water, tea, yogurt and soup. Bleurgh :eek:
At least you started the challenge! I had pulled out before I even began. I just knew this week wouldn't work for me, and that I'd do a few days max before giving in.

Definitely doing the salad challenge next week though. I found that one easy enough last time.
Hey Kimberley :p, hope you've had a lovely Easter weekend ! The results for the challenge are all in now, I've updated the thread so you can see everyone's losses :D. Was just wondering, are you still doing the challenge ?

Kay xx
Hey Kimberley :p, well done for doing the challenge for the few days that you have. I hope it will help boost your losses for tomorrow. Good luck hun ! :D

Kay xx
just ate cake.
a small piece. but I've been doing well and shouldn't have.
I now want to eat more of it.

Feeling emotionally vulnerable and insecure this afternoon and apparently cake makes me feel better?!
Nervous about coping without binging this evening.
Hehe :D, it always helps when someone comes along and tells you she's had pizza, ice cream, crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks since yesterday (oh yes I have), and now I've made your cake lighter in calories lol. See I knew I'd make you feel better ! :p

Kay xx
We'll get back on it Kimberley promise, sometimes its better to eat and get it out of our system before we start again :) xx
Oh Kay. Thanks lovey. Life's too short eh!

Feeling extra cruddy today though as my SW consultant told me off on the facebook page for posting that I keep weighing at home. She said its not what the FB groups about and its not supportive or inspiring to others. I would argue that I actually pay £5 a week to be supported and inspired by her rather than providing help to others. Or I would have followed it up with a private message if I were her.
I feel scolded and sort of abandoned. Or like the black sheep. Basically I do NOT want to go this evening and not because I'm scared of a gain.
What a wuss I am :-(