Hello everyone and a very Happy New Year to you all.
I'm feeling ultra chirpy this morning (lol- only woke up 2 hours ago so still feels like morning! Tut!)
I can't wait for normality. Don't get me wrong, I had an absolutely wonderful Christmas and Twixmas was full of festivities too. But now that it is officially a New Year I feel excited to get back on it. And do you know what, it doesn't feel so overwhelming because its not "New Year, New Start". I already know I can do it because I started 11 weeks ago and I saw results. What a relief. How lucky are we that we found the plan in 2013? Gosh I sound like a member of a cult or something.
Ok, enough rambling. I now want to sort my confused thoughts onto this page.
It is Thursday 2nd January. I turn 25 on Tuesday 21st January. So I have a little under 2 weeks to secure a fab weight loss, but more importantly my confidence.
I lost 10lbs in 10 weeks, gained 2lbs the 11th week and expect to gain at least 1lb today the 12th week. That is a total loss of 7lbs.
I planned to lose 15lbs by my birthday (well, 22nd Jan) so I have 3 more weigh ins after tonight.
I know I can lose 2.5lbs in one week if I try hard, and tend to lose 1lb a week on average.
Soooo if all goes to plan I could lose 2.5lb, 1lb & 1lb and be 11.5lbs lighter by my 25th birthday, which is only a few pounds off my original birthday weight loss target and a MASSIVE achievement.
I am going to do this by:-
Sticking to plan.
Using the support found on minimins
Being organised
By sticking to plan I mean:-
count all of my syns and stay within them (instead of going over with vodka each week!)
cooking some fab recipes with loads of veggies (I'd like to make at least one recipe from the calendar)
:wow:- it feels soooo good to have that all written down. Phew.